
Monday, November 09, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday!


The weather in my neck of the woods:
The bluest skies I've seen in a while but the temperatures have dropped so it's a little on the chilly side this morning.

One of my simple pleasures:
The whole family crowded on my bed watching a movie....and when I say the whole family I mean us and the kids AND the dogs LOL

On my bedside table:
Vicks, Kleenex, books and more books

On my TV:
Stargate SG1 Season 1

On the menu for tonight:
Chicken Rissoles - Rissois de Galinha (recipe will be up later)

On my To Do List:
Mop and sweep
Change bed linens

New Recipe I tried last week:
The Firehouse Special - it was pretty good my kids loved it.

In the craft basket:
Wrist warmers and crochet birds

Looking forward to:
Jasmine's first Band Concert in December, she is so excited to be playing the Clarinet.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
Don't be afraid to use paper plates. No seriously, I know a lot of you out there probably feel like I used to, that paper plates were ok for a picnic or a cook out but not for dinner, but along the years I've learned that there is nothing wrong with using them once in a while, especially if you're sick or busy. Cuts down on a lot of time spent in the kitchen doing dishes.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
I caught up on all my reading last week so there were tons of great posts. If I have to pick one though I would say "A Walk Around the Cottage/Living Simply" by an Aspiring Homemaker. Love this blog.

Favorite photo from last week:

Arizona beautiful.


Lesson learned the past few days:
You have to make an effort to keep the relationship with God alive, you can't just sit back and take for granted that He's always there. For me, it's when things tend to go downhill, it's sort of a wake up call to let me know that I've been neglectful.

On my Prayer List:
My children, so they will get over this cold/flu
Soldiers and families at Ft. Hood

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:7-8


  1. Lol I may have just entered my link twice :)

    I enjoyed reading your Happy Homemaker post. That sunset is just beautiful, God paints a beautiful picture.


  2. I forgot to take off the jambalaya after my name...LOL!! I remember my very first Christmas concert...I also played clarinet. I'm also still playing it in our church. Way to go Jasmine. I look forward to seeing pictures. Thank you for the comments about our anniversary. I thought it brought tears to your eyes because of the location..LOL! Have a great day.

  3. Love that picture - I am a sunset freak. Love the paintings God creates each and every day. Kind of gives us our own personal reminder that he is there all the time, doesn't it? Have a good week!

  4. Love the tip on paper plates. Sometimes it is just necessary. Hope your kids are feeling better.
    Have a great day!

  5. by the sounds of your bedside table I can see you all have or are preparing for what is going around I hope you all stay healthy

  6. Hey, Sandra! I just had to participate again, I'm with you, my family including myself has all been sick for days and days it seems.... oh, well, that's fall for you!

    Take care!

  7. Enjoyed the post. Thanks for hosting this event each week and for sharing as well.


  8. Its that time of year when we mommas have the vicks and kleenex out....I hope they heal soon....that picture is wicked girl!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
