
Friday, November 13, 2009

Lost in Austen!

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Jemima Rooper stars as Amanda Price, a frustrated romantic who discovers a gateway in her flat to her favourite world - that of Pride and Prejudice. But is the “true” story in danger of being thrown off track by her presence?

STOP what you're doing right now and go and find this movie. I can not tell you good enough things about it other than you need to watch it as soon as possible.

Let me start this post by saying that I am a huge Jane Austen fan, I mean who isn't right? It always surprises me when I talk to people who have no clue who this author is, when she is just one of the most brilliant writers of all time.

I don't think there is one her books that I haven't read or related movies that I haven't watched, well, actually, I am watching The Jane Austen Book Club tonight, but that is not really an Austen Original.

When I first heard about Lost in Austen, I was reading one of my favorite blogs and she was talking about how it was showing on tv in England and it was a series. I immediately jotted down the name and zipped over to Netflix to find it, upon doing so it was placed at the top of the my Queue.

So last night, after the kids were in bed, I popped in this movie and I was thinking, it's not going to be so long I'll be able to get to bed at a reasonable time, but be forewarned, it's about 3 hours long but well worth the watch.

This is why I'm talking about it today, so you can get it for this weekend and don't worry if the husbands aren't interested, send them off to do something or find a movie for them to watch later on, but I insist that you sit down and get comfy and then come back here and tell me if I was right about this being one of the best movies so far this year.

But I'm babbling and not really telling you what it was about, tsk tsk tsk.

Imagine if you will a young lady, living in modern London, going about her life but like so many of us out here, a huge fan of Jane Austen and an even bigger fan of her books especially "Pride and Prejudice".

She takes this book everywhere and reads it at every chance she gets.

Then one day she hears some noises coming from her bathroom and walks in to find Elizabeth Bennet. I KNOWWWWWWW! ELIZABETH BENNET in her bathroom.

She tells her she came in through a doorway in her bathtub. Amanda steps through and finds herself in the Bennett Household back in the 19th Century.

I'm not telling you anything else because I don't want to spoil it for you, but I can say that the whole time I was watching the movie I was thinking "Oh man....I wish it were me, I would have loved to step back in time and into one of Austen's books".

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Ohhhhh Mr Darcy! Yes the wet shirt scene was one of my favorites but in my defense, it's been one of my favorites since Colin Firth's *Pride and Prejudice*.....and of course this has absolutely nothing to do with the gorgeous man (
Elliot Cowan) playing Mr Darcy, yes he's no Colin Firth BUT he's still very good looking *snicker*

This is not good, you see I never watch a movie twice, NEVER. I'm the kinda gal that once I've seen something it's enough for me, but now having talked about Lost in Austen again and seen all these pictures and the video, I'm afraid I may just spend tonight stuck in Austen World.....yet again.

Oh dear!

I'm just going to go fix dinner and let you all track this movie down, here, I'll help you LOL

Netflix - Lost in Austen

NOTE: I decided to update this post with something fun. I'm putting up a Mr Linky and I want you all to join in, all you gotta do is leave the name of a favorite Chick Flick and even better if it's along the lines of Jane Austen.

Won't you join in? Get your friends to come in and drop a name on the list too, think of it as a huge movie suggestion list for us all. It will be fun to see what everyone has been enjoying and give us all some ideas on something to watch this weekend.


  1. I wonder if it's at our local video store? I am going to have to get this one!

  2. Thanks for the hubby had just left for the video store and I hopped on my dashboard to see if there were any new posts. I just called him and told him to pick this one up...we'll see what he brings home :)

  3. I rented "Lost in Austen" back in the summer sometime and really really enjoyed it! I'm so glad you liked it too :) I read the book of Jane Austen Book Club and didn't like it at all, but did check out the movie and it was somewhat better. I liked Lost in Austen a LOT more though! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. I haven't even heard of this one, but I'll have to see if I can find a copy on dvd.
    Thanks for the suggestion :)

  5. I really love Lost in Austen - honestly it's great. But it isn't a film, it is actually a series!


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