
Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday!


The weather in my neck of the woods:
There's been rain and clouds and cool temperatures for the past week, but today we have a beautiful blue sky and warmer temps.

One of my simple pleasures:
Playing with my kids

On my bedside table:
The Complete Novels of Jane Austen
The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory

On my TV:
Stargate SG1 Season 6
Merlin Season 2

On the menu for tonight:
Homemade Pizza and Salad

On my To Do List:
Mop and sweep
Menus and grocery list

New Recipe I tried last week:
I made some really good cookies this weekend, I'll have both recipes up on the food blog later.

In the craft basket:
Granny Square blanket
Fleece blankets for the kids

Looking forward to:
Having the kids and my husband home for Christmas break next week.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
Establishing a routine is the best way to get everything you need done and still have time to spare. If you want to read, or craft or sew or crochet or even catch up on a favorite show, make time for it, put that into your schedule and routine, you'll find that if you allot times for everything, you will have enough hours in the day to accomplish all you want.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Haven't had time to read blogs this past week.

Favorite photo from last week:

Jasmine's first Band Concert

Lesson learned the past few days:
That I'm not ready for the teenage years and the phase where it's not cool to be with mommy. I always knew it would come around but I wasn't prepared for the hurt and the feeling of helplessness even though you know it's perfectly normal and they will get over it. Still sucks LOL

On my Prayer List:
Family and Friends

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19


  1. I know exactly what you mean about the "not cool to be with mommy" feeling. Thankfully now that my oldest is 15 she is growing out of it and wants to go EVERYWHERE with me...LOL! I'm praying for you.

  2. Sandra, do NOT stop always being there!!!
    If my boys were involved in something, so was I!!! As they grew up, they just expected it. When they were young, I was a room mom, in-fact, I became the head of the room mom program for their school.
    When they went to camp, so did I. I worked in the kitchen, and then became one of the head cooks - year round(weekend retreats) - on a volunteer basis.
    When they were involved in sports, I became the team mom, organizing what ever needed done.
    When they were in productions at church, I became the directors assistant.
    And on it went.
    One time the Lord blessed me ever so greatly by allowing me to ovrhear one of my sons take on all of this, when he had absolutley no knowledge I was with in hearing distance.
    Our oldest son was the one not only diagnosed A.D.D., but also O.D.D. (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), and maxed out dislexic, and .... so to hear this from him, was absolutley amazing!! God is so gracious!!!
    We were at camp for the summer (after their week of being a camper, they worked on staff - councelors, or grounds keeping, or...). I had about a fifteen minute break before the next batch came out of the oven. But I had already caught up, any and every thing more than caught up, in both the kitchen and the dish room. So I wandered into the chapel and started straightening.
    It was 'free time', and my 16 year old son and his friends were 'hanging' on the porch to the chapel. I could hear them via a open window. One of the boys inquired of my son 'didn't it just bug him that no matter where he went, his parents were there too?' (my husband joined us at camp on the weekend).
    My son had answered, 'no, it's kind of cool to know she's always there if I need her. And just cuz she's here too, doesn't mean she's always right here watching and listening to everything I do! And I love it when my dad comes up, he'll listen if I want to vent, or give me advice... of pay at Whippy-dip ;-p'.
    Sandra, I couldn't even begin to stop the flowing tears. Tears of joy. Tears of gratitude to the Lord for allowing me to hear that!!
    As quietly as I could I slipped out of the chapel and back into the kitchen! I did not want to be spotted!!! But my heart still rejoices!!!
    BE THERE BOTH FOR AND WITH YOUR KIDS, in what ever way you can find to do so! While they might not want you up close, they still need a mom! And in their hearts, they do appreciate you showing evidance that THEY are a priority to you!

  3. Sandra! I'm hosting a giveaway of a new nativity set over at my blog. Come leave a comment on the giveaway post if you are interested! Ends tomorrow.

  4. I always enjoy your blog thanks for all your thoughts :>

  5. I played the clarinet in junior high and high school. That picture brought back memories! Thanks for sharing!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
