
Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy Homemaker Monday


The weather in my neck of the woods:
It's 42 degrees right now and dark and cloudy and the perfect weather to jump back into bed, but unfortunately it's back to school this morning, so no more sleeping in.

One of my simple pleasures:
Taking walks after dinner

On my bedside table:
A lot of good books I picked up at the library, but none of which I can remember the names at this moment haha

On my TV:
Stargate SG1 Season 8
Julie and Julia
Love Happens

On the menu for tonight:
Meat Lover's Lasagna (recipe will be up on food blog later)

On my To Do List:
Trip to the commissary for the last few items I need

New Recipe I tried last week:
Samburgers (recipe will be up this morning)

In the craft basket:
Granny Square blanket

Looking forward to:
The holidays being over and a New Year ahead, the possibilities are endless.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
It's that time of the year to get the big cleaning done, or at least that's when I like to really get in there and do a big clean around the house in preparation for the new year.

Here's a checklist that I plan on using, I try different ones each year and this one comes from Organized Home.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
I'll have to put down my own just because of the huge amount of money we saved on groceries and who knows...maybe someone else can do the same.

Favorite photo from last week:

Food Value Club - all of what you see, plus 3 other boxes full for $48

Lesson learned the past few days:
That you have to think outside the box, just because you've been doing something the same way for years, does not mean it's the best or right way. Don't be afraid to take that leap and try something new.

On my Prayer List:
Family and Friends

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
But when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Mark 6:49-50


  1. I'm planning a big clean for the New Year, I just need some motivation.

  2. Oh and I mean to say thanks for linking to the checklist, I might just use that.

    love Sarah x

  3. that is the same bible verse we are studying in sunday school! I love it....we have already conquered our deep cleaning for the season!
    Im working on my weight!

  4. I watched Christy some when they had the series on tv but that was oh so long ago.....and I missed a few....I can't wait.....

  5. Great list! I would love to see your Granny Square blanket...and how bout a tutorial on HOW to make one??!! ;) I'm such a novice at knitting & crochet and really want to learn more! :)

  6. I loved Julie and Julia! I love your lesson learned! So many times I get stuck in my comfort zone and do not want to step outside of it. Have a great New Year!!

  7. My husband and I watched Julie and Julia on New Years Eve - wonderful movie!!!

    By your 'to clean list' I can see that you do not live in MI, or any other state where winter = snow! ;-p

  8. I meant to get one posted today, but time is slipping away. Please remember to pray for me as my surgery is next monday morning!

  9. Hi Sandra,

    Love your blog and your Happy Homemaker Monday!

    I look forward to stopping by again soon!

  10. Sandra,

    You'll love the movie Julia and Julie! I got it for Christmas and feel in love with it.

    You are right this is the year to organize and get priorities in our lives straight and keep them going all year long.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  11. wow you did have a great shopping trip and are so right about the new years there are so many great possibilities

  12. I haven't seen Julie & Julia yet (plan to) but I have been reading Julia Child's book My Life in France, it's really enjoyable! Hope you are having a wonderful week! It is so cold here... enjoying your warm weather pictures!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
