
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My safe haven.......

Wedding Rings

Everyone has that special place they go to, that special item that brings back good memories, that makes it all better when things seem a little too much too handle.

For me, it's these wedding one safe haven in this crazy world.

Some may see it as a simple wedding band, a promise to love each other forever, to be there through thick and thin and good and bad and sickness and health, and while that very well may be, they've also become a beacon of light during my dark days.

From the very moment that Curt slipped these rings on my finger, there they have remained, I have never removed them, not for anything, not for anyone, I do everything and go everywhere with them, because they've become a part of me, a part of who I am, they're just there. I slipped them off to take the above photo and felt empty, naked, I could not wait to put them back on my finger.

Sometimes it's easy to forget they're even on, I've gotten that used to wearing them, but then I'll have a bad day and all I do is reach ever so gently with my thumb and feel the cold metal and BAM, it brings me a smile to my face, brings me peace, makes me calm down.

If these rings could talk they would no doubt fill your mind with stories.

The first time they slipped onto my finger, it was exciting, it was new, it was a little weird not being used to wearing a ring.

They've touched my swollen belly when we were expecting our first child, they've caressed our unborn daughter and felt the first kick.

They've felt the rough itchy growing beard of my husband's face when I've reached up to touch him.

They've held onto my belly through both my miscarriages.

They've become wet with tears of grief, with tears of joy.

They were there for our second child, holding our son in my hands, thanking the Lord for a healthy baby boy after the bitter sweet pregnancy.

They've held spoons when I prepared our first meal as husband and wife, keys to my first car, luggage as we travel, bills, books.

They've nursed runny noses and scraped knees.

They've been there through it all, true to their vows and most of all as a comfort during long lonely months while my husband is deployed.

Yes, they're rings, jewelery, and some may see them as nothing more than that, but for me, they're my life line.

They're a reminder of the love my husband and I share and the family we have together.

And during those days where I'm sick, or sad or missing him terribly because he's away, I touch them and kiss them and let them get me through that moment. They will always be a part of Curt that I have with me, at all times.

So next time you look down at your wedding rings, don't think of them as just a piece of gold, think of them as a reminder of your husband's love.


  1. Sandra - this is simply beautiful! I think you should fram the post and the picture, together. I loved it!

  2. Sandra,Great warmed my heart when I read it.

  3. Awsome post! Your rings are beautiful. I love gold. Mine are gold too. I am going to appreciate my rings a little more now. I never take them off unless I am putting lotion on or something. I too feel naked with out them.

    Also what a great and simple way to stay close with your hubby when he is away. :)

  4. Thank you so much for that wonderful perspective. I've never thought of my rings in that light. Now thinking of and looking at my rings makes me smile too.

    ~ Carrie ~

  5. Lovely post!! After 17 years, I think I love my wedding ring more than the day I got it - it represents SO MUCH to me!

  6. A beautiful, moving post. . . thank you for sharing!

  7. A lovely, from the heart post.


  8. Lovely post xxxxxhugs

  9. I too feel naked without my rings on.

    I hope you are feeling better. *hugs*

  10. Yep....a great post! Our 20 year anniversary was this month. Our plans for a nice weekend at the beach were canceled when my husbands buisness partner's dad died very suddenly.
    I was very disappointed that we didnt get to go and celebrate but sometimes you do what you have to do!

    Anyway...we had some time to reminis about our 20 years. He is my breath!!

  11. A beautiful post. This the first time I've visited and I'm glad I did.

  12. what a lovely post Sandra..
    For me its a gold cross with tiny diamonds my beloved mom gave to me.
    we all have our little treasures that mean so much to us and touch our souls..
    take care,

  13. Very heartfelt and touching and I couldn't agree more~

  14. A beautiful post and Mari has a good idea about framing this one.

  15. Such a beautiful post!


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