
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

National DeLurking Week!

Did you know that it's National Delurking week?

So I'm just going to ask you to please leave me a comment and it doesn't matter if you're a new reader or one who's been with me for years....I promise to come visit your blog and leave you a hello too.

With all the followers I have, it would be wonderful to get an hello, I'm always up for making new friends :)


  1. I didn't know it was delurking week.
    I'm not a lurker here, but I'm saying hi anyway!

  2. Hi
    You already know me.. I'm not a lurker, I just haven't had much time to visit lately.. actually every time I buy a lemon I think about you and that lovely lemon tree in your yard :-)

  3. Hello! I have been reading your blog for about a year now. I don't comment much but I did win a giveaway awhile ago! I really enjoy your blog. As a new SAHM I have learned a lot from you. I love the Homemaker Mondays.

    So again Hello and Thank you! :)


  4. I enjoy reading your blog... :-)

    ~ Carrie ~

  5. Hi! I didn't know this either! Think I may have to steal your idea! I will give you the credit!! Come visit me too!

  6. I've been reading forever! I know I hardly ever comment- so bad of me, sorry. I'm usually lucky to have time to sit and read an entire post before I'm interrupted by the littles :) Love your blog though!

  7. :::::::::::waving hello:::::::::::
    Not new-I comment from time to time. :)

  8. Sandra, I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such sweet notes! ~Sheila

  9. Awww! Saying Hello! Need to pop in way more often! Miss reading and keeping up with your blog!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  10. I'm not a lurker,but it would be nice to get a visit from you. Don't be a stranger, ya hear?

  11. guilty as charged. I get so busy, I feel lucky to be able to visit.
    Glad to be part of the Happy Homemakers

  12. I've been checking out your blog for just under a year now, I love your recipes and we have the military thing in common although I've never lived on a base (not as far as I can recall, that is).

  13. Hi from an "old" friend ... not a lurker but wanted to say HI!! Love your pics & when you share about your days.

  14. I just found your blog. I enjoy reading it. :)

  15. National de-lurker week? Interesting! I don't like to think of myself as a lurker, but I guess I am! Hi! I also enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for spending time making it interesting! :)

  16. Happy delurking week! Keep it up!

  17. I always read, but I'm not very good at commenting, I'm afraid.

  18. I'm going to do this...I always read your blog but only sometimes comment. I love photo in the post below.

  19. I'm also a reader and bad at not commenting.

  20. Good Morning, Sandra!
    I'm Pamela's friend and I check your blog every day from her site. I also have your food blog in my Reader and have tried some of your recipes. Our current favorite is your Skillet Chicken. It makes it onto almost every two week menu. You make the *best* comfort food!
    I do tend to be a lurker; usually by the time I think of something pithy to say, the moment has passed!
    Happy Delurker Week!

  21. Sandra,
    You caught me lurking, so I thought this would be a great time to leave a comment...I am loving your header, it's beautiful and I, like you are a sahm. I enjoy sewing tops & skirts for my 3 girls & pj pants & ties for my little boy. He loves pj pants & not so much on the tie side.
    Anyway, nice to meet you!

  22. Hello from Snowy England. . . I don't think I've commented for awhile now, but I still enjoy reading your posts in my reader!

  23. Love your blog. Your Slowcooking Thursdays helped me remember to use my crockpot more often and gave a ton of recipes to try out. Thanks for taking the time to run it each week. I look forward to cooking Thursdays each week and hope to particapte in each one this year.

  24. Love this: I do lurk in order to get inspired by new interests or another way to look at things...
    So I want to say Hi and will be stopping back again...Karlene

  25. Love to read your blog but haven't commented in a very long time. Sorry about that! I'll try not to be such a "lurker".

    Come on by and visit me at any old time!

  26. I love reading your blog Sandra. I love seeing what yummy dish you are making for dinner, what is new with the kiddos, the fun projects you do...I love it all. I read the blog all the time but don't comment nearly enough. I will try harder not to be a lurker! Keep up the good work!

  27. As it's National Delurking Week, thought I'd better come clean! I'm a lurker in the UK and really enjoy hearing about life in the US, your great family and your recipes! Thanks for blogging

  28. Hi Sandra. I'm a lurker. I'm a blog reader, but not a blogger! Love your blog and your yummy recipes!


  29. Well, I'm not too much of a lurker I hope. :) I occasionally leave comments.
    Happy delurking week!

  30. Hello! I don't have a blog, just enjoy reading them......and I especially enjoy reading yours :)


  31. Hello! I enjoy reading about you and your family.

  32. Its me Marisa. You don't have to check out my blog my camera is broken so the blog has suffered severe negligence!

  33. hi Sandra, been lost with my knitting, doing
    have a great thursday..

  34. A used to be commenter, recently more of a lurker.
    Love your blog.

  35. Love your blog, and have been reading you for over a year! Love your "fullbellies" blog too- gives me great ideas when I am stumped with "what's for dinner?" I write a food blog too, but for my dh who has dietary restrictions. Thanks, Sandra!

  36. I didn't even know there was such a thing as National Delurking Week. Weird...

    Anyways, love the blog.

  37. Hello Hello!
    Hope you are having a fabulous day!

  38. hi there-it's been awhile since I've clicked over from the reader; I like your blog layout!

  39. Wow you've got quite a response. That's great. You have a wonderful blog.

  40. Just checking in too!!! I do comment quite often.

  41. Hi Sandra!

    Love your blog! I was raised in the U.S.A, but now living in Portugal.
    Got married here, wonderful husband, he too was raised in South Africa like you!
    I actually like living here, got my degree and masters here.
    It´s alot different here now, from what it was a few years ago. We now have everything here too.
    How long has it been since you´ve visited Portugal. Where did you live?
    Found your blog when searching for a recipe! Put it on my favorites ever since! I usually visit a few times a week! Love everyhing you post! You have delicious recipes! I´ve tried a few already and everyone likes them!
    Wish you best of luck!
    Hope you feel happy knowing your blog is international *snicker* read in Europe! lol


  42. I think I must have found your blog through the crock-pot lady and slow cooking Thursday. I just kept on reading!!! I don't have kids yet but you always have such practical advice and fun ideas!!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
