
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stumbling into the book store...


Don't you just love those days when you're out and about, running errands and buying the "in fashion skinny jeans and high tops" that your tween absolutely has to have....roll my eyes.....and then decide to just stumble into the nearest Barnes and Noble because it's two doors down and the books seem to be standing near the window with their fingers crooked beckoning you to come inside?

No? It's just me?

Oh well, that's what happened today, I was in much need of some BL aka Book Lovin' and my wonderful husband who absolutely adores books too, was more than happy to oblige, so into the store we go and way too much money later, we walk out with big smiles on our faces and eager to run home to dive into the stories in the books.


Have mercy! I have come to the realization that I'm absolutely smitten with anything related to Jane Austen, even if it comes in the form of Zombies, yes I said it, zombies. Now here's the thing, I have heard and read really good reviews on this book, apparently it's really funny and I'm all about fun, so I had to pick up.

Plus, the best part, the hardcover which makes it look like an old book. I have a fascination with book covers, matter of fact that is usually what catches my eye, if the cover is good the story is bound to be too. I don't do boring covers, it has to be beautiful and appealing, but maybe I'm just nuts like that.


The cover just makes me smile and then once I've read the story I'll come back and tell you all about it ok?

But here's what else I picked up:

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monster - Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters

Mr. Darcy's Daughters - Elizabeth Aston (she has a ton of books written about Darcy's daughters, I can't wait to get the others)

Vampire Darcy's Desire - Regina Jeffers

KitchenAid Best Loved Recipes - Yippee! You know how I just got my KitchenAid? Well I've been dying to use it more and this cookbook is going to help me do just that.


I get absolutely giddy at the prospect of new books, and believe me, I needed the little pick me up, lately I've been thrown (a little too early for my liking) into the world of tweens and Fifth Graders and slang and weird words that I have no clue what they mean. IKR you know? See what I mean?

It feels like conversations with my almost 11 year old lately consist of:

IKR mom!
IDK mom!
These jeans are tight! (and no she doesn't mean that kind of tight, she means they're awesome)
HELLO yeah!!!!

I feel old, is there a Tween/Teen Vocabulary available for first time Teenage Parents? If so, could you point me in the direction because I honestly don't know how much more I can take, it's like talking to a child from another planet, you say one thing and they reply with something that leaves you scratching your head, all I can come up with in response is "ooooh burn". That's so 80's though!

No wonder she thinks I'm not cool anymore!

Anyway, I'm going to grab my books and start reading, btw, my two little kiddos just recently watched the new Veggie Tales that is hitting the stores this week, I will have a review up for you tomorrow, so be sure to check it out, Pistachio is so cute and I think all the Veggie Tales fans out there will love it.

Have a great night everyone!


  1. I cannot pass a bookstore by. Looks like some great finds you got.

  2. Those books look so fun! I think I'm going to have to get the sea monster one! I loved P&P&Zombies.

  3. I too adore books! My daughter has been trying to talk me into the P&P&Zombies ... I can't wait to hear what you think of it.

  4. I was so excited reading your post, as if it was me buying those books. I love books!!!

  5. Sandra,

    Now that I have a few publishers to get my books from I still miss being in the book stores and looking through the discounted books. I love seeing what deals I can get and then pick up some off the wall stuff like you have found here.

    Can't wait to hear how that one goes, and if your like me, I cringe when my teens ask me to take them jean shopping, I best take a book cause it's going to be a long day.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. I'm finding more and more benefits to working in my children's school. There are 30 other adults to help you figure out the lingo!

    I haven't heard any of those ones though. I suspect if they're worth their salt, they'll end up Down Under though.


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