
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

{ An Absence So Great - Blog Tour }

Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: WaterBrook Press (March 16, 2010)
ISBN-10: 1578569818
ISBN-13: 978-1578569816

Publisher's Summary:

While growing in confidence as a photographer, eighteen-year-old Jessie Ann Gaebele’s personal life is at a crossroads. Hoping she’s put an unfortunate romantic longing behind her as “water under the bridge,” she exiles herself to Milwaukee to operate photographic studios for those owners who have fallen ill with mercury poisoning.

Jessie gains footing in her dream to one day operate her own studio and soon finds herself in other Midwest towns, pursuing her profession. But even a job she loves can’t keep painful memories from seeping into her heart when the shadows of a forbidden love threaten to darken the portrait of her life.

Book Trailer:

My Thoughts:

I am sad to say that this was my first Jane Kirkpatrick book, because after having read this one I can tell you that I'm now a huge fan.

What a great book, superbly written.

It is inspired by the wonderful stories told through her grandmother’s photographs taken at the turn of the century, 1900's Wisconsin.

Now I probably would have picked to read the first book "A Flickering Light", had I had the choice, but I think it's a good stand alone novel too.

I truly enjoyed the story as it unfolds, as we get to know Jessie better, as we get to see her flourish and expand her capabilities as a photographer and try to follow God's will. Being that I immensely enjoy photography too, having the chance to see the portraits in the book was also an added bonus.

It gives you an insight into the struggles that women faced during that era and especially a woman that was trying to start her own business.

I found that it started off a little slow but it quickly picked up and I loved every page until the end. Great book.

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group

To purchase this book, you can click here, or the book image at the beginning of this post.


  1. I really enjoyed this book too! I can't wait to read A Flickering Light. Great review!

  2. Sandra,

    I am just about finished with this book and don't want it to end. This is a great review and love the trailer.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Oh my word, Sandra, I can't believe you've never read Jane Kirkpatrick especially with your love of pioneer stories. All her books are fabulous with rich detail and characters. And I still think you should read the first in this series. It really gives you a real look into the main character's life and what circumstances led her to Milwaukee.


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