
Sunday, March 14, 2010

{ Sunday Snippets! }


It was such a gorgeous day, beautiful deep blue skies, warm temperatures and the scent of Spring in the air.


Lunch time brought a family favorite, corn beef hash.


A quick trip to the commissary revealed the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, sitting there all afternoon for all to see, the kids thought it was the funniest thing ever.


With the beginning of warm temperatures, come the hours of fun in the backyard.


The cold temperatures have held them back, have suppressed the yearning to play on the swing set and to let loose, and that is just what they did today.


My beautiful lemon tree, thriving as always, bearing the beautiful lemons that will soon become lemonade, lemon pie, lemon chicken, lemon bars and whatever else lemon I may concoct in the kitchen.


A wonderful laid back day, there was fun in the sun, there were flip flops and shorts and tank tops.

We planted new flowers, we mowed the lawn, we turned on the sprinklers and then sat back with big tall glasses of iced tea while laughing and telling stories, sitting out in the backyard.

We wore shorts and tank tops, slipped our feet into flip flops and smiled.


And when the day was over, mommy surprised the kids with super silly fun healthy snacks.


Look at his pearly whites, not everyone has such beautiful white teeth.


She's still beautiful, even if she's lost a tooth along the way.


What are you waiting for? Get up off the computer and go make your little ones OR your big ones a snack they can really sink their teeth into.

Hillbilly Teeth, that's right I said Hillbilly Teeth and you can find the recipe over at Full Bellies, Happy Kids.


I'm gonna go munch on one while I get back crocheting.


Would you like a cupcake? I've started making them again, my kids kind of took off with all the others I had last year and I've been meaning to get around to making them but never had the chance. Now they're literally flowing off the crochet hook and I couldn't be happier.

But before I can get to those, I do have 3 baskets of freshly washed and dried laundry, piled high on my bed and if I want to sleep tonight, I better get them folded and put away. Wish me luck, and if you don't hear from me by tomorrow morning, send the Laundry Brigade, I may just be lost under there somewhere.

Oh and if you've missed my last post, won't you consider joining in my Postcard Exchange, I'll send you one of you send ME one?


  1. What a wonderful day! I can't wait for that kind of weather. The hillbilly teeth are hilarious!

  2. I'm so jealous of your weather. I can't wait to spend some quality family time outdoors and let my daughter play. I know she's been just as stir crazy as myself this winter....if only the snow would melt!

  3. Sandra is that a recent picture of your lemon tree? If it is...well that thing has had lemons on it pretty much year round right?

  4. Flip flops and shorts? That sounds lovely. Today and tomorrow are going to be nice and springy around here but then look out Wednesday, it will barely be above freezing and by Saturday it's supposed to be wet flurries. Welcome spring in southern Alberta.

    Those snacks are so funny. My dayhome kids love when I make those. So simple too.

  5. Your kids are getting so big!!!

    Isn't it exciting to watch them grow!? It's amazing!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
