
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

{ 3 weeks, just 3 weeks left }

For what you may ask?

Well, 3 weeks left until school is done and summer begins for us. I'm BEYOND thrilled, because it means sleeping in late, staying up late, hanging out with no expectations and no schedules to follow, enjoying the fresh air, walks and picnics and having fun with my kiddos.

This school year has just flown by and I can't believe that in a few months, as school returns, I will have a second grader and a six grader. Oh boy!

So yeah, I was looking at the calendar earlier today and just couldn't believe that we only have 16 school days left.

But anyway, enough about that.

I spent the day pottering around as usual, doing a little ironing and a little planting


I don't know why I do this every year because let's face it, we all know my "thumb of death".

I almost feel bad for these little seedlings, if only they knew what was ahead *tee hee*

But I'm persevering, I don't like quitting and I don't like feeling like I can't do something, I tend to push through and plow ahead until I conquer whatever is in my way.

After all my housework was done and the plants were well....planted.....I sat down to watch a little tv on my laptop. Remember that YouTube channel I mentioned for all the great paranormal shows?'

Well I started scrolling through all their shows and couldn't even decide where to begin, but I finally settled on Sensing Murder. It is a show from New Zealand, very much like the Psychic Detectives show on Court TV, or the other Forensic Psychic shows. Man how many times can I say show in one paragraph?

It was very interesting and I watched quite a few episodes. So if you're into that kind of show, you might want to check it out.

So let's see what else did I do today?

Oh, I got a few books in for review and some from Paperbackswap, now one of those I was so excited to get because I've been wanting to read it for a while.

Hattie Big Sky

Alone in the world, teen-aged Hattie is driven to prove up on her uncle's homesteading claim.
For years, sixteen-year-old Hattie's been shuttled between relatives. Tired of being Hattie Here-and-There, she courageously leaves Iowa to prove up on her late uncle's homestead claim near Vida, Montana. With a stubborn stick-to-itiveness, Hattie faces frost, drought and blizzards. Despite many hardships, Hattie forges ahead, sharing her adventures with her friends--especially Charlie, fighting in France--through letters and articles for her hometown paper.

Her backbreaking quest for a home is lightened by her neighbors, the Muellers. But she feels threatened by pressure to be a "Loyal" American, forbidding friendships with folks of German descent. Despite everything, Hattie's determined to stay until a tragedy causes her to discover the true meaning of home.

Download Chapter One

Now tell me that does not sound like a great book? By the way, if you've read it, let me know what you thought, and if you haven't yet, maybe you can find a copy and read it WITH me.

Now you're all caught up with my day so I'm going to leave you and go round up the kids, throw them in the shower, check to make sure their homework is done and then get my babes into bed.

I think I'll go start my book, even though I've just started the Sophie Kinsella one LOL But you know, I can have 2 or 3 books going at once and not get confused and as much as I'm loving that book, I just am dying to read Hattie Big Sky.

I hope you all have a restful night.


  1. I love all those bright flower pots - they are so cheery.
    I laughed at your "thumb if death" I have one of those too!

  2. We still have 5 1/2 weeks of school and my kids are so excited to be done with it! So am I!

    I'm waiting for my seedlings to pop out too.

    I try to stay away from the psychic and medium shows. I see too many scriptures in the bible warning against things. 2 chron 33:6 and 2 Kings 17:17 are the first ones that I found. There are several others too and I don't want to offend God and it seems like to ME that foretelling of events is spiritism and divination. So it's not for me. :-)

  3. Good luck with the plants. Hattie Big Sky sounds really good. Can't believe summer is almost here!

  4. Hey
    5 weeks and a couple of days for us.
    Love you guys,

  5. Good luck with your plants--when I was younger, I could plant and grow anything. I seem to have lost my green thumb!! Oh well, I have a daughter who keeps our house bright with flowers.
    I really like the sounds of Hattie Big Sky. Books like this make me realize how easy we have it nowadays and just how hard it was to survive day to day back then.

  6. My mom also has a "thumb of death." We refer to her house as the plant cemetery!

  7. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for telling us about it.


  8. Sandra,

    I am so looking forward to school being over and all the commuting back and forth to end. I am OK with the long days of summer coming and my oldest is already taking stock of how she will be spending most of it, at the beach now that most of her friends can drive.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  9. Look we're twins (I give you the big "thumbs" up)That book does sound great... one of the things I wish I was... a reader. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait till it comes out on movie :) *tee hee* - - - you killed me with the mole story deary.

  10. Look we're twins (I give you the big "thumbs" up)That book does sound great... one of the things I wish I was... a reader. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait till it comes out on movie :) *tee hee* - - - you killed me with the mole story deary.

  11. Thumb of death. haha. I'm just adding that to the list of things in common with you. ;) My sister-in-law just told me about paperbackswap. I am excited to try it out. I still need your address...did you get my email? Something is getting lost in the loop maybe? Ready to try and send another Cali postcard and goody out to ya! =>

  12. I have to wait until the second half of July before the school summer hols start over here *sulk*

    The book, Hattie Big Sky, sounds great. I might add that to my wish list.


  13. 22 days! Hate to wish our lives away, but 22 days and school is out! We have made the decision to homeschool again starting next year. Our autistic son is in private Autism school, but we are just not happy with our daughters behavior and what she brings home from public school. We are so excited!

  14. Whoops...previous comment was mine. I hit "post comment" too quickly ;-)


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