
Sunday, April 11, 2010

{ Birthday Boy }


The years seem to fly by and time just whizzes before our eyes, and now, here I sit, after a full Birthday Weekend of fun and presents and family time.

Our little boy Nicholas, turned 7 years old today.


How is that possible? My little baby boy is no longer a little baby and earlier I told him I need him to stop growing so fast to which he replied "I can't mommy, I can't stop my body from growing".

I offered to put some heavy bricks on top of his head to slow the process but he also said that's a no no, it wouldn't stop, the bricks would just fall right off. He's right, but what can I say, I just want to try something, anything to hold on to my baby boy.

He's such a blessing in our lives.

He is smart, he is quirky, he is funny as all get out


and he can be extremely sensitive, he's just the whole package in one adorable little body.


We love him so much and we thank the Lord every day for having him in our lives.


For his birthday he got a few small presents and a big one.....his own computer, you should have seen the look on his face, he thought we were joking.

Mommy also surprised him with a special cake. I've always made my children's birthday cakes and for the most part they have been pretty simple, I mean, a cake is a cake.


This year however I decided to expand my cake making abilities and try something was quite scary at times but I am happy with the result, and for the first real cake I've made I think I did pretty good.


The birthday boy was ecstatic when he saw it and the smile on his face was worth the effort.


As with all birthdays, we let them do whatever they want that day, within reason of course, so this afternoon we headed to the Bowling Alley on base where we met up with some of his friends.


We had such a good time, kids and parents alike, I don't think I've laughed this much in a long time....only thing missing would have been our other friend Alicia who is now in England.



Us grown ups had as much fun as the little ones....


Or maybe even more....


After a great day out with friends, we came home and let the boy blow out his candle, we had all had enough cake earlier but he insisted on having a slice of his Wii Remote cake and in his own words "this was the best birthday cake ever mommy and the best birthday everrrrr"


And the obligatory family pictures, daddy and son


Love this one, my babies are growing up and I'm starting to feel extremely old LOL


Mommy's boy, can you tell?


At the end of the day I have to thank this wonderful man for being in my life and for giving me the most amazing children in the world. I love you and I love our baby boy and our baby girl and our life together, may we have many many more years just like this one.



  1. Love the photos Sandra. Have only seen that done once before. Really effective. What a cake !!

  2. Happy Birthday to Nicholas! Looks like a wonderful day. He really looks like Curt in that picture of the two of them!

  3. A big Happy Bday to Nicholas! Love the photos.

    It's awful that our kids grow up so fast! And I was mourning this last bday the most since I know there will be no more little ones anymore living with me. Sigh. Well - at least I was able to drag it out as long as I did!

  4. awwww, what wonderful pics & a great cake. It is so nice to know that you've made your child feel so special on their birthday :) Glad Nicholas had a wonderful bday!!

  5. Happy Birthday to Nicholas.

    I really enjoyed this post and the pictures that went with it. You sure did a good job on the cake. I think fondant would scare me too. Seems like Nicholas had a wonderful day with family and then with friends too. It does seem like the best birthday ever.

  6. That cake is awesome! You did a great job. Looks like a fun birthday. :)

  7. hey i wanted to get a happy birthday to nicholas yesterday but i was so busy and then it was today! :(

    hope he had a good one! great pics guys!! :)

  8. happy 7th birthday to Nicholas! looks like it was the best birthday! Loved how your cake turned out!


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