
Saturday, April 17, 2010

{ Five Senses Saturday }

Hello??? Anyone still there? Oy, I have just been awful at updating this week, I've been so busy and haven't had a chance at all to get on the computer, if I didn't have my Happy Homemaker Monday and Cooking Thursday posts already set to post, I would be in trouble.

Lots going on here, lots of fresh air and warm sun, cooking and housework and walking and having fun, it always gets a little crazy when the warm weather arrives, but I'm hoping to still come in everyday and say hi. This week was just a fluke, I'll leave it at that.

So here's what's been going on around here:



- Owl City "Fireflies"
- Jets running in the distance
- My children laughing in the backyard
- My mom's voice on the phone, it's good to call home
- Jasmine singing from her bedroom



- New lemons growing
- Birds all over my back yard enjoying the sprinkler
- Kids report cards
- My shows on the tv
- Pugs playing on the couch



- Weeds fuzzy little heads
- My hot cup of coffee in the morning
- The pages of the book I'm reading
- My dried lavender
- Soap suds as I do the dishes



- Sweet and Saltines
- Twice-baked potatoes
- Subway Western Breakfast Sandwich
- Cold water with a slice of lemon
- Nicholas' birthday cake



- Fried chicken sizzling on the stove
- Lavender candle burning on the coffee table
- My kiddos after their bath (is there anything better?)
- Freshly cut grass
- Lemon blossoms


  1. Sandra,great posting.sorry that I have not been commenting as much as I used to.

  2. Love this, Sandra! You are right, nothing better than kids after a bath. Well, kids almost any time! I remember the smell of my abncient lemon tree too, and the blossom, and just rubbing the leaves. I always think of it when I pop over to your place, you know - you and lemons go together in my mind in the best of ways!

  3. Such a creative post! I may have to use your idea. I've been stuck in a creative rut and have only been posting pics of my daughter lately =)

  4. I love this post! You've intrigued all five of my senses!

  5. Some weeks are just like that, aren't they?

    Yum, yum, yum. Fried chicken. Haven't had that in forever. I might just have to make next weekend.

  6. Sandra,

    Congratulations, You have won a copy of the book, The Wife's Tale from my blog giveaway and I need you to email me with your mailing information so I can get the book shipped out to you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. What a wonderful blog you have that I have stummbled upon. Great post!! Come over for a visit if you wish :) Happy Monday!! ~Amy


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
