
Monday, April 26, 2010

{ Happy Homemaker Monday }


The weather in my neck of the woods:
Beautiful, warm, blue skies.

Things that make me happy:
Hearing my children say things like "you are the best mom and dad in the world"

Book I'm reading:
Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella - LOL she is hilarious, I enjoyed all of her shopaholic books but hadn't yet read this newest one. It's so funny.

What I'm enjoying on TV:
Battlestar Galactica - Maybe I'm getting old or something, I remember loving the original series as a kid but now I'm finding it hard to get into this one. I may just give up
ParanormRUs2 Channel on YouTube - I love ghost shows and this guy only uploads paranormal shows from all over the world, LOVE it, could spend hours on that channel.

On the menu for dinner:
Cowboy Lasagne

On my To Do List:
Iron and put away laundry
Change bed linens
Spring Clean the living room

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Didn't try any last week, but I'm trying Trisha Yearwood's Cowboy Lasagne tonight and will have the recipe on the food blog later.

In the craft basket:
Granny Square Blanket
T-shirts for restyling

Looking forward to this week:
Not really anything specific, but I do want to try and get some pictures of the jets taking off and landing. Last time I was supposed to, ended up not going.

Tips and Tricks:
Peel potatoes over the sink instead of the trash.....just put a paper towel in the sink and then peel them over the paper towel. When finished just fold the towel up and quickly throw it in the trash. No sore back from bending over.

My favorite blog post this week:
Toy Soldiers at Kat's blog. She always has such inspiring posts.

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Acorn Pies - Really sweet blog

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

Lesson learned the past few days:
One I've been learning the past month......that kids grow so fast and no amount of whining and complaining and begging the Lord to keep them little, will stop that. Yes I know, I'm an idiot like that LOL

On my mind:
The amount of dental work I need to get done, and all because I have weak teeth. My out of pocket expenses when it's all done is going to be $7800. LOL Yeah, I may just go for dentures at this point LOL

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."
John 6:35


  1. Hi Sandra,the weather here today is rainy.

  2. That is why I hate going to the dentist! Not only is it unpleasant but it's so pricey.

    Haha we used the same Bible verse! Weird! I do like that one though :)

    Happy Homemaker Monday

  3. I also looove that picture! I want to be there right now

  4. For some reason every time I try to add my link it tells me...Oops something went linky tools and let them know why.

    If I knew what the problem was then why on earth wouldn't I fix it instead of contacting and telling them the issue!! Arrgghhh....LOL

    So I am adding my link here...

    ~Mrs. M

  5. Even better household tip....get a .25 cent "garbage bowl" at a thrift store and peel potatoes in it...and anything else. It moves easier than a paper towel or produce bag and its not disposable and doesn't cause more trash. Mine is a blue plastic one that was being thrown away cause it was warped from being put in a dishwasher. Also good for a quick solution "bucket" or a foot soaker. We use that stupid thing all the time.

  6. Love your picture--so serene and inviting.....★Linda

  7. I do not know if this is a duplicate comment but I wanted to say thank you for doing this linky. It was a lot of fun to participate in. I do the same thing when I peel potatoes but I just do it over the island and whip it all into the trashcan. :)


  8. This is such a cute way to let people in on your daily life. Cute blog - I think you are the first person that would rather be in Mountain Home, ID than AZ ... well.... you and Me :) I'm in Boise and I hate the heat... although it does get so hot here... (to me any way) If I could spend Summers in Alaska and the rest of the time in Boise it would be perrrrfect. The other seasons are splended in Boise. Well anyhow, come by and visit me sometime at

    Toodles, The Lady of the House

  9. Thank you, Sandra. Yes I did receive the chai tea and it is delightful. Thank you so much. I am hoping to have a giveaway soon so keep your eye on my blog! ★Linda

  10. Sandra,

    I am super thrilled that you honored me with your favorite blog post this week. It's funny cause I wrote that post when I got home from the hospital and forgot all about it one day. WOO HOO the people it blessed was amazing!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
