
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

{ A Simple Moment }

I'm not having a good day, it's been very windy here for the past two days and the allergy warnings have gone up.

I'm suffering, extremely itchy eyes and nose and congestion. Around me I have kids and a husband who are all sniffling and congested and feeling poorly and to top it off, Aunt Flo is visiting.

I'm sore, I'm bloated, I feel like my whole head is in vice grips and being squeezed tight and I'm just whiny and cranky and feeling downright yucky.

So I said "forget it" to the housework and to the two baskets of laundry needing to be put away.

I've sunk onto the couch with my cup of hot tea, my laptop and a movie. I smile at my sweat pants, my t-shirt and my slippers, feels good to be comfortable albeit sloppy, but you know what? I would have to care about that fact right now and I just don't have the energy and the well being for it.

Hubby is picking up kids from school AND fixing dinner and I'm determined to have some me time to recuperate.

I'm out for the rest of the day. This Mama is closing up shop and taking a much needed break.

I'll be back tomorrow, refreshed, pumped full of allergy meds and ready to battle it out with the housework, until then, I don't want to think about it, I don't want to see it, I just want to relax and enjoy this simple moment, the quietness around me, the birds chirping, the curtains blowing in the wind. Ahhhhh pure bliss!


  1. Take care of yourself, Sandra.


  2. Sorry to hear about the illnesses at your house and Aunt Flo. No fun.
    Glad you are able to get some time to yourself. Feel better soon!

  3. Get your rest, be renewed, tomorrow will be a gift of a new day.

    May you and yours all be feeling better soon.


  4. Sandra,

    Enjoy this time because those are so rare when we have that time. Sit back with you tea, relax and enjoy it all.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. I love you Sandra! Take it easy, hope you feel better. :)


  6. We've all had those days, your blogs are always so chipper and full of life I was starting to think you were a bit inhuman! Nice to know you're normal, sorry you're under the weather.

    PS - I got my copy of Mother-Daughter Duet today, thank you so much for you patience during my failed attempts to contact you with my address!

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon. I chuckled because I haven't heard someone use the term "Aunt Flo" in a long time!!!

    Be blessed! I got your postcard BTW. Thank you.

  8. I hope you feel better soon! Enjoy your rest. I've got a horrid headache and a cold coming on, yuk.



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