
Thursday, May 27, 2010

{ The Hot Mom to Be Handbook Giveaway }

Remember the review I did just a few days ago? Or yesterday or whatever, I don't even remember, I think it was during my pre tooth pain days. LOL

Anyway, I as you know, am not pregnant and as much as I love the book, I think it would definitely be a good addition to a "mom to be".

So I'm giving away my review copy.

All you need to do is leave me a comment and let me know if this book is for you or someone else.

The contest will run until Monday the 31st of May. I will draw and announce the winner on the 1st of June.

Open to US and Canada only. Good luck!


  1. This book would be for me as I'm pg with baby #4 now :)

  2. Fun book! BUT no need to add me to your list of giveaway participants - I just wanted to say Hi.... (this is me waving)

    Hope you are having a good week! The Lady

  3. Hi--I'm a Sandra too!! I would love to win this for my sister in law who is expecting baby #2!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I would love to win this for my sister-n-law who is expecting :)

  5. This would be a great read for me, as I am preggo with baby #2 and I'm sure that I would share it with a friend when I'm done :)

  6. YEAH!!! You're giving it away!! I'm so excited! OH! I SO hope I win this one for my sister who is preggers with her FIRST!!! She's only 20 and is very much into fashion. So, yeh, that's all. Thank you so much for this offer!!!

  7. Hi Sandra! I stop by almost every day, but don't often leave a comment. Really enjoy keeping up with you and your sweet family though. I'd hadve to give this book to my sweet daughter-in-law (who is not yet pregnant). BUT, I can wish, can't I?

  8. Ooooh, this book sounds like so much fun!

    I am currently pregnant with #3...I've read and reread What to Expect...blah blah blah! LOL AND, I'm still wearing maternity fashion from my first pregnancy 6 years ago! HA!

    I would love to win!



Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
