
Saturday, June 05, 2010

{ Fusion Pro-Glide Kit - Father's Day Giveaway }

Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor

I was recently contacted by the wonderful people over at Gillette, to ask if I would be interested in reviewing one of their newer products and also holding a giveaway. I said yes of course, not only because I love trying out new products, but I thought "my husband will love this".

And indeed he does.

I received the kit in the mail a few days ago and that very same night, my husband tried it out. He came out of the bathroom with a big smile on his face and asked me to feel his face. Soft as a baby's bottom, I'm not kidding.

Let me quickly tell you about the new razor:

New features range from blades that are 15 percent thinner and meant to tug skin less, to a better grip and new mineral-oil lubrication.

Along with the razor, included in the kit are Facial Exfoliant, Battery, Shave Gel, 1 Cartridge, Razor.

My husband was over the moon with the new razor, he said that it was like he couldn't even feel the razor against his face, it was that smooth and comfortable. He loves the way it looks, he loves the handle, he loves the way it makes clean up so much easier. He just LOVES it.

One of the things included in the kit is the Thermal Face Scrub which actually warms and softens your facial hair. He said it was like a massage and it felt really good. I'll take his word for it, unless I grab some and use it to shave my legs LOL

Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor

Overall, it got a big thumbs up from him and there will be no other razors allowed in this house, he's finally found one that he loves and that I love, I kid you not when I tell you that it gives such a close shave, his face feels really soft and smooth.

Are you ready for the coolest part???

Would you love to have one of these razors to give your father or husband for Father's Day???

Well you can, because the wonderful folks at Gillette have offered 3 razors....that's right THREE razors to my readers.

Three of you will win a Gillette Fusion ProGlide razor (retail value $9.99) along with valuable coupons for Gillette Fusion ProGlide products (redeemable at Target stores nationwide).

All I need from you is the following:

#1 - Follow my blog or let me know if you're already following
#2 - An email or a way to contact you
#3 - A comment letting me know who you will give this razor to if you win.

That's it! No running a marathon around Chicago, no having to blog about it on your own blogs (though if you do want to let your readers know about it, that's fine too)....nothing complicated, just a simple "Hey I would love to win the razor for my husband/father" will suffice.

The contest is open to US residents and will run until Thursday, 10th of June at 12 am EDT. Good Luck!

Gillette provided me with products and information to review. All opinions are my own.


  1. follower
    I would give this to my husband.

  2. I'm a follower. You can reach me at (but you already know that!) and I'd give this to Vic because he just left on deployment with an old razor that I don't really trust to make it long-term!!

    Loved the water safety post, Sandra, SO important when you have little ones and the warm weather is upon us - they love those little paddling pools and many people don't often realize that they are just as dangerous as a big pool.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful razor! I would love to win one for Bob to try out, and I'm already a follower!

  4. I've followed your blog for quite a while now and love it. I would give the razor to my husband who is a terrific man and a great father.

  5. Sandra,

    Being a follower of your blog for quite some time, I'd love the opportunity to win this one for my amazing hubby for all he does to be a great hubby and father.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. i would give it to my husband he goes through razors like crazy have to be clean cut in the army

    i follow

  7. I'm a follower!

    I'd give it to my hubby, of course! Although my almost-12 year old will be shaving before I know it! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Nice, I would love this for my husband, sweetman!! I'm a follower for sure.

  9. I'm a follwer and please count me in! I would give this to The Man of the House!

    Sincerely, The Lady of the House

  10. I'm a follower and have been for a while now. Email is knchock at yahoo dot com. I would give this razor to my incredibly fantastic husband. (I love your recipe and goodwill treasure postings.)
    Kimberly in NC

  11. I follow your blog and love it. My email is

  12. I follow your blog and also love your yummy recipes! I would give this razor to my sweet hubby! He is on a constant quest to find the right razor!
    Thank you for sharing your tips and fun with us all!
    Stacey Matlock

  13. HI! I'm a follower and would love for my husband to have this razor! Thanks so much!
    daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
