
Monday, June 28, 2010

{ Happy Homemaker Monday }


The weather in my neck of the woods:
Still scorching hot, we've hit highs of 112 and 113 already. Lord help us.

Things that make me happy:
Laying on the couch with my pugs

Book I'm reading:
A few books for review

What I'm enjoying on TV:
The Gates - new series about Vampires on ABC, really liked the first episode

On the menu for dinner:
Sweet and Spicy Bacon Chicken

On my To Do List:
Finish preparations for Disneyland this week
Fold and put away laundry

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Haven't tried anything new the past week

In the craft basket:
Folk Dolls
Bath Mitts for gifts

Looking forward to this week:
Our trip to California on Thursday. We're heading to Disneyland and then Los Angeles, Walk of Fame, Madame Tussauds and Queen Mary Ship. Anyone have any ideas on attractions or anything that we SHOULD see while in the area? Would love some ideas.

Tips and Tricks:
Since we're traveling a lot this month, all my tips and tricks are related. We usually print out a map of where we're going and we let the kids color it in as we travel through the cities and States. Also giving your kids their own camera to take pictures from their perspective, is a great idea, they can later make a scrapbook from their travels.

My favorite blog post this week:
No blog reading last week

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to read anything

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):


Lesson learned the past few days:

Align CenterOne I've learned before but am constantly reminded enjoy every precious moment you have with your family. Being in the USA with all my family back in South Africa has not been easy, so having some of them here for a month has been a blessing.

On my mind:
Our trip to California

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

— 2 Peter 3:9


  1. Have fun in California! That sounds like a lot of fun! :)

  2. Sandra,

    The places you have listed while you are here are some of the best to enjoy while you are staying in California vacationing. Not sure how long you'll be here so I am not sure what other things you'll have time for.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. have a great trip and I am so much with you on enjoying family

  4. I love this link up idea! I just had to participate!!!

    I'm here in Southern California... glad you're coming to visit our Sunny State!

    Thanks for the link up! I'm glad I've found your blog!

    Rachymommy -

  5. Some ideas for LA:
    1) The beach is always good but get there early especially on the weekends
    2) The Grove/LA Farmers Market
    3) Automobile Museum
    4) Redondo Beach Pier
    5) If you are up for lots of weirdness or wackiness, Venice Beach but be is weird!
    6) Tip for LA...don't leave anything visible in your car and don't put stuff in the trunk after you park and leave your car. Just think that someone bad is watching you all the time and this especially holds true at tourist areas.

    From a former LA resident!!

  6. Have a great time in CA. I give Sephy a camera all to and let her take pictures a lot. She has taken some really great ones. I love seeing things from kids perspectives.

  7. Have a wonderful time here in California! I don't get down to the southern part of the state, but enjoy your time with your family!

  8. Hi!
    I am new to Happy Homemakers Monday. Hope you have a wonderful time at Disnyland. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
