
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

{ Unafraid by Karon Phillips Goodman - Giveaway }

You may remember a couple of months back I did a review for this amazing book. If not, you can read it here.

Karon has been doing a monthly tour on her blog, addressing specific fears and including strategies and and questions on how to conquer it. Here is the monthly plan:

February – fear of change, we overcome and build with joy in new blessings to come

[brief Bible study of Ruth]

March – fear of failing, we overcome and build with willingness, belief and patience

[brief Bible study of Gideon]

April – fear of loss, we overcome and build with faith in God’s provision and care

[brief Bible study of Peter]

May – fear of rejection, we overcome and build with security and purpose

[brief Bible study of Moses]

June – fear of loss of control, we overcome and build with trust (the point of the whole book: Trust ME, God says.) [brief Bible study of Joseph]

If you head on over to her blog, you can scroll back through the different months and catch up on some really amazing posts. (I've included the links for you above so it's easier to find the posts)

Now I'm giving away my copy of the book and I think anyone would benefit from reading it, it's certainly opened my eyes to a lot of my own fears and insecurities.

All you have to do is leave me a comment and a way to contact you.

I will draw a winner on Wednesday the 9th. It's open to US and Canada residents. Good Luck!

EDIT: Just wanted to add a note from Karon Phillips Goodman passed on through email:

Thank you, Sandra, for being part of our UNAFRAID project! I’m grateful to my readers and hope they enjoy the story and message from this book – it’s all about learning to live our lives without fear and in total surrender to God, trusting Him with everything we are to become everything He already sees. His plan for each one of us is special and unique, and He joys in building every day with us, one step at a time up on the ladder, touching each other as we receive grace and reflect God in everything we do. That’s my constant goal and what connects me to my readers – we touch each other with His grace and both our temples grow bigger and bigger. See ya on the ladder!

Karon Goodman


  1. Count me in! Thanks for hosting this.

  2. Wow, this book looks amazing! I can relate to all of these things! I would love to be entered into this giveaway! Thanks Sandra!

  3. Sounds like a really great book! Her website sounds very interesting, as well...I'm off to check that out!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
