
Sunday, July 11, 2010

{ Gotta See It Sunday }

One of my favorite past times, is to sit down and watch a good movie or a TV show. Matter of fact, I make it a point of setting aside time each Weekend to do just that, because far as I'm concerned, life is not just about work and responsibilities, you need to take some time to do things that make you happy, that make you smile, that relax you.

Since I'm always on the lookout for a new show or movie, I thought I would start this feature on Sunday's, a way for me to have something to blog about, but also to let you know what I'm watching, what I'm enjoying or what I found to be ridiculous or just downright boring.

There are actually a few shows right now that I'm watching, or trying to catch up on. I always like it when there are a bunch starting on tv, though it makes it a little tough to keep up with them all and that is where my wonderful DVR comes in. Thank goodness!

The Gates - ABC

If you're into Supernatural shows or fantasy about vampires, werewolves etc, then you'll enjoy this one, it's just started and so far it looks good, we'll see how I like it as it progresses.

Pretty Little Liars - ABCFamily

The previews looked really good and I have the first 5 episodes on my DVR to watch, will let you know what I think about it.

True Blood - HBO

The new season just started and I'm loving it as much as I did the previous two.

Haven - Syfy

This one looks amazing, it's based on a Stephen King Novella "The Colorado Kid" and I'm a huge Stephen King fan so it's a must watch for me. I also have it on my DVR but haven't watched it yet, will let you know by next week what I think.

The Pillars of the Earth - Starz

I'm SO excited for this series to start on July 23rd. It is based on the novel by Ken Follet and I'm sure most of you already know what it's about, but here's a little preview on YouTube.

Does that not look like a really good show?

So as you can see I've got plenty to keep me entertained for a while.

Homestead Blessings with the West Ladies

I've had my eye on this series for a long time but haven't really been able to justify paying $99 for it, so I'll have to get them one at a time and slowly build my collection that way. I just got The Art of Canning, The Art of Soap Making and The Art of Bread Making and I absolutely love them. I can not wait to get the others.

The videos are perfect, the instructions are simple and easy to follow, and I really like the West Ladies Vicki, Jasmine, Hannah and CeCe, they are all very sweet, simple and down to earth.

I can't wait to start baking bread and making soap and canning veggies, they make everything look so easy and give you step by step instructions.

These DVD's are a must have if you're interested in Homesteading or even just learning the basic steps to many common household chores.

Shutter Island

Did you know that I love a good scary movie? Because I do, even if some make it a little hard to sleep at night LOL The mind is a wonderful thing isn't it?

The Crazies

This one looks pretty scary too, it's about a town where normal every day people are infected with a toxin and turn into blood thirsty killers. Creepy!

Robin Hood 2010

I love all the Robin Hood movies and series, not sure how I'll feel about Russell Crowe playing the role where I'm used to it being Kevin Costner, will see.

The Cazalets (Netflix)

One of the Masterpiece Theatre shows, the story is set between 1937 and 1947 during the war. I don't think I need to tell you all how much I love BBC and all of their Productions, I'm sure I'll enjoy this one too.


So there you, that's what is on my TV and DVR for this week, I'm sure I won't get to it all, there's far too much, but by next Sunday I should be able to tell you what I've watched, what I liked, what I disliked and what I never want to watch again.

If you've seen a great movie or TV show lately and want to share it with me or my other readers, please feel free to do so in the comment section.

I'm always looking for new things to watch.


  1. Pretty little liars is actually pretty good. I thought it'd end up being stupid, it looks more like it's geared for high schoolers, but it's really suspenseful and entertaining, I think you might like it!

  2. The Crazies was pretty good. It had the guy from Justified in it. (Unless I have it mixed up with any of the million other horror flix I've watched recently.)

  3. YAY! It will be fun to read what you liked and don't like.


  4. Thanks for the reminder about The Gates. I tried to watch it but felt lost--I'll have to see if I can find it from the beginning so I can get caught up.

  5. Thanks for bringing another BBC series to my attention. I too LOVE a good mini-series - I have now added The Cazalets to my list on Netflix.

  6. We LOVE horror flicks in our house, too. Shutter Island was a bit disappointing - it wasn't scary at all.

    The Crazies was OK.

    The last horror film I watched that was truly a horror flick was Funny Games. That movie did me in for a long, long time. Horror movies are my favorite and I had to stop watching them for a while.

  7. You've highlighted some great shows. Thanks for the heads up!


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