
Sunday, August 08, 2010

{ Last day of Summer Break }

Kitchen island

It's not fair, I honestly feel like just yesterday the kids were getting out of school and celebrating the first day of Summer Break, but here we are, last day, school resumes tomorrow and I'm left with a bitter sweet feeling.

Sweet because the kids are ready to return and quite frankly, goodness me, they are eating me out of house and home. Why are kids always starving? And why do they eat every 5 minutes? And why does it always seem that no matter how much food you buy there's never enough?

Bitter because I love my kids to death and I love having them home with me everyday and sleeping in late and staying up later and watching movies, going to the park, taking walks or just being silly. I am going to miss that, I hate not seeing them for hours during the day.

But anyway, it's life right?

Tomorrow it's back to the usual busy school routine, up early and crazy mornings getting kids to school and homework.....oy the homework that never ends.....and other stuff like germs. BLECH!

Tell me something, are your kids like mine who go the whole summer healthy as horses with no colds/flus/sinus issues and then the minute they return to school you just know that within a few weeks they will start getting sick???? It can't be just me is it?

Makes me want to homeschool, ALMOST want to homeschool. Haha

So here's to a new school year, to possibilities and new friendships, to growing older and nurturing the soul.

To another year of worry as I see them go off on their own and know that it's just another step towards them growing up and one day leaving the nest. I wish I could not think about these things considering they're still young, but I can't help but to. Do any of you feel the same way?

When do your kids go back to school, or are you homeschooling? Let's chat, we haven't done that in a while.

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