
Saturday, November 20, 2010


Have you ever just taken the phone off the hook, locked the doors and hibernated for a whole weekend?

It sounds good doesn't it?  Well that's exactly what our little family is doing.

Taking a break from the outside world, from the incessant ringing of the phone and door bells and the need for attention from this one or that one.  Not that I don't like socializing but there are days that I want to take all the energy I have and give it to my family and to myself, not waste it elsewhere.

So we're hibernating.

There's books and movies, there are blankets and pillows on the couches and a snack here and there.  The blinds are closed, the candles are lit and there's been a pot of soup simmering on the stove all day long.  Butternut Squash soup, golden and creamy and filling.

Before I closed our home to the outside world though, I made a quick trip to the library for some much needed reading material, books to take us on adventures and books to educate us, books to teach and books to laugh.

3 bags later, I walked back into our home with the biggest smile on my face.  I don't think there is anything in this world, aside from my family, that could elicit such a feeling of joy from me.

So here's my list, who knows, maybe something will catch your eye and you can add it to your own reading pile.

An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott
Mine Eyes have seen by Ann Rinaldi
Amelia's War by Ann Rinaldi
A Break with Charity - A story about the Salem Witch Trials by Ann Rinaldi
A Lady Follows by Holly Newman
The Painted Drum by Louise Erdrich
The Mayflower and the Pilgrim's New World by Nathaniel Philbrick
The Blue Tattoo - The Life of Olive Oatman by Margot Mifflin
Home Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle
The Foxfire Book 1 - hog dressing, log cabin building, mountain crafts and foods, planting by the signs, snake lore, hunting tales, faith healing, moonshining and other affairs of plain living by Eliot Wigginton
The Foxfire Book 2 - ghost stories, spring wild plant foods, spinning and weaving, midwifing, burial customs, corn shuckin's, wagon making and more affair of plain living by Eliot Wigginto
Frontier Women by Linda Peavy and Ursula Smith
America's Early Settlers by Shirley Jordan
Women of Colonial America by Lydia Bjornlund
Jamestown 1607 by Michael L. Cooper
Native Americans
Discoveries Native Americans

I don't even know where to start, which book to pick up first, they're all so enticing to me that I want to read every single one at the same time, but that can't be done, so I'm going to try and make a choice as hard as it may seem.

I have one last episode to watch from my Dr Quinn Netflix DVD, I just can't seem to keep these in my house for every long, the minute those little red envelopes appear in the mailbox it's a mad dash into the house to pop one into my tv.  Can't tell you how frustrating it is waiting until the new ones arrive and I know I have to wait at least until Monday or Tuesday.  Ugh!

Have a good night all, stay warm.

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