
Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's here folks, the warm weather is here.....

It always makes me smile, the days when I throw on my flip flops, a pair of shorts and a tank top and I am able to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

There's so many people out and about, walking their dogs, walking with their families, sunbathing, watering the yards and just enjoying the gorgeous warm temperatures.

We're also enjoying Spring Break this week so it's been a good lazy few days, waking up late, indulging in whatever our hearts desire.  My heart has been enjoying gardening, crocheting, cooking and baking and just doing the normal housework that is part of our daily lives.  Some may find it annoying, a chore, frustrating and repetitive but I love it, I love doing this, love cleaning and fixing the place up and taking care of it for my family.


Before we even go any further, help yourselves to a cupcake in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Aren't they adorable?

It feels like spring around here, the back door is open, the radio is on and the kids and I just dance and have fun.  


This is my newest baby and I've been having SO much fun, just way more fun that I probably should but truth be told, it is with me everywhere I go and that is not easy because it's quite bulky, but darnit, it's an amazing camera and I've yet to figure it all out :)


I've been planting up a storm and usually everything dies, but this new house gives us a lot of shade during the day, especially on the patio and my plants seem to not only love it there but thrive.

This is my garlic that I just planted two days ago, it's growing like crazy.



My basil is doing splendid, I can't even believe it and the best part....having fresh basil to cook with.  My word what a difference it makes.


Sitting outside, doing some crochet while watching the day go by.


Watching these two sweet ladies enjoying the warm weather.  They are so happy out there.


We are also preparing for the Air Show that is happening this weekend, here on base.  It happens every 2 years and I always feel like it's the first time I'm seeing the jets.

The Thunderbirds always show up two days before and start practicing right above our homes, there is nothing like seeing them fly so low that you feel like you can touch them.


Little boys make me happy, MY little boy makes me ecstatic.  He has such a zest for life and he's a true Military Brat and darn proud to be one :)


Curt and I have also been spending time fixing up the front yard.  It's not easy when you live on a military base, you really are limited to what you can and can't do, so it's a good feeling when we can get in there and just put a few things in that say Home but also Proud Military Family.


This is our last addition, we just HAD to have this bench, not only because we're military but also because it goes with our American theme outside. 


So as you can see, I've been busy but busy living life to the fullest and enjoying every single moment of it. 

Tragedies like Japan have a way of making us stop to smell the roses and to realize that life is too short to spend it worrying about stuff, it's time to live it, enjoy it and document it.....make memories and save memories.

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