
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A little hooky fun

Without going into details or crossing the proverbial TMI (too much information) line....I will just say that if you're a woman you understand that sometimes we are knocked on our behinds by some cramping and general unwell feeling.  Right?

Right, so now that I got that quickly out of the way, let's just say that I'm feeling every bit of being a woman today and it's left me scrambling to find my bearings and trying to get what I need done when everything inside me is screaming "STOP, just STOP and go to bed."

Not going to happen, I have two children that need attention and a home that will not clean it self or cook meals on it's own.

In between the daily chores here and there, I've been turning to my crochet for some relaxation.....but not before indulging in a little hot coffee with some whipped cream and cinnamon.

Making pretty things for my house makes me feel good

and so I'm always finding a project here or there to try out and to add a little touch of homemade goodness to our house.  This is one of my latest projects....crochet curtain tie backs.
Against white curtains they look fabulous, at least I think so.  

They still need a few more flowers, but I'm not sure if I want to add more or just leave it this way, I certainly don't want to overdo it, I believe in simplicity and sometimes the more you try to do the messier it looks.

Jasmine wants some for her curtains too, so that's next on my ever growing crochet To Do list.

I also have a few other WIP's in my basket, one of them you got a glimpse of the other day.....remember this?

Well I'm putting the finishing touches on it tonight and by tomorrow I'll be able to show you just what I've been up to with these granny stripes.

I'm really pleased with the results so far :)

Now I'm signing off, my tummy is not feeling that great and it's time to go cuddle with my hot water bottle.  The Prayer for today will be up in about an hour or so, so keep an eye out for that :)

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