
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Little of this and a little of that.....

Seems like that is how my days have been going the past week.

Mostly it's been a little of this sickness, the dreaded cold and then throw in a little of that allergies and I've been quite the miserable gal.  Thankfully I'm feeling better today so I'm hoping that I'm well on my way to a full recovery.

My day started at 9am, I slept in which felt wonderful.  I'm usually up really early every morning, by 5:30am I'm up and about, getting the dishes done, the laundry started and enjoying a cup of coffee in the quiet of the house, while everyone is still asleep.  I think it's one of my favorite times of the day, before the craziness sets in.

I'm loving my new coffee and tea mugs.  They came all the way from England, from Cath Kidston.  I swear it's my favorite store on earth.  I literally stalked the mailbox for a week until they arrived and then I skipped all the way home with the box clutched in my hands.

Just the box itself makes me smile.

Yeah, I'm quite chuffed with these mugs, are they not the prettiest things ever?   They inspire me to crochet up some placemats using those colors.  Hmmmmm.

Being a little under the weather means that I'm usually sipping on hot tea with milk of course, reading magazines and catching up on crochet.   That is a pillow for Jasmine's room.  She is ditching all the babyish stuff as she calls it and going for the big girl bedroom, so she has a queen bed in there and bedding in really cool funky colors, purple, neon green and turquoise circles....some super cool funky fluffy pillows....and I'm adding some accents in crochet.

Just a closer look of the front.  I'm absolutely loving it :)

For the back I'm going with stripes in the same 3 colors.  Neon green, purple and white.

I have so many projects going at this moment, I just can't seem to stick to one, I do best when I have a whole bunch of different things going on.  Crazy I know, some people need to focus on just one, but I'm at my best when I have a few going.

I've also been in the kitchen a little though I admit that last week a few meals were skipped, the family knew I was not feeling well and were only too happy to have snacks, ice cream and chips etc for dinner.  Glad it's not a common occurrence in this home.

Today I made Homemade Hotdog Buns for lunch and let me tell you, if you usually buy them from the store, you have no idea what you're missing.  These are so quick to throw together, don't take a lot of ingredients and are phenomenal.  My kids don't usually eat the store bought ones, they will have about half of the bun and then pull out the hotdog and eat it just like that......but these?  Not a crumb left :)

Go ahead and give them a try, see what your family thinks.

Homemade Hotdog Buns

And for dinner?  Zucchini and Bacon 3 Cheese Lasagna.  So good :)

Zucchini & Bacon 3 Cheese Lasagna

There you have it, that's what I've been busy doing.  Living life, being busy and just plodding along with the family.  I tell you I can not wait for our little vacation in two weeks, it will be wonderful to just step away for even two days and just relax.  Can hardly wait.

It's time for me to head to bed, my meds are kicking in.  I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend with your family and I sending good wishes for an even better week.

God Bless.

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