
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mollie Makes


I am in love!

That's right....IN.LOVE.  With a magazine, but not just any magazine, a delicious, gorgeous beauty all the way from England.

I'm not even going to attempt to describe my love for everything English, you know that already.....what I WILL say is that, that love is what prompts me to always be on the look out for books/movies/tv shows/magazines, whatever, from the UK.  If something is new, I want to know and I want to see. 

When I first heard of Mollie Makes I thought, well this is just another crafty magazine and to be perfectly honest I have not really liked any craft magazines on the market.

I've bought a few and have leafed through them and realized that it's about everything BUT crafts and homemade goodness and it's a turn off for me.

Mollie Makes launched in May of 2011 in the UK and was made available here in the US after June 9th, but let me tell you trying to hunt down one of these mags is no easy feat.  You have to be fast.  These babies sell super quick.

If you want a list of where they are available here in the USA, then check this link out.  Over in the UK they are very close to releasing Issue #3.  Yeah #3, but us folks in the US are only now getting #1 and I'm assuming #2 pretty soon.  If you want to subscribe you can just go the subscription page.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me show you the goodness inside.


With every magazine, it seems that you get a little craft kit, the first issue brings this cute felt case for a smartphone.


Oh goodness, this picture above makes me smile in so many ways, I don't even know what I like the most but I would have to say those pillows are going to find their way into my home.


Ruffles, Ruffles, Ruffles.  Ok truth be told, I'm not a ruffly kinda gal, actually ruffles bug me for some reason, but I think that is super cute, I may just have to revise my like of ruffles, we'll see.


Really?  I mean REALLY?  Cause that has got to be the cutest darn crochet project I have ever encountered in my life and yeah.....these will be in my kitchen by next weekend.


Garlands.  I WUB garlands....yes I realize I said Wub, but really I wub them so much, just love love.  Like super love garlands and these happy little garlands above are also going to be featured in my really soon.  I know I've said the words love/wub/like many times....but you know.


Holy cutness alert.  Eggs, fabric eggs, with adorable embellishments......hold me.


There is so much goodness in this magazine, it's visually stunning, it leaves you salivating and oohhing and aahhing.


My kids will flip out when I make them these felt chihuahas.


And how about bobble trim?  I mean I will admit I don't have any at home, I usually frown upon the bobble trim at the store cause I've never known what to do with it, but dog gone it, why didn't I ever think of this?  And that is just one of the cute pictures and ideas for using bobble trim.


If this magazine wasn't super cool enough, it comes with two pages full of templates for the various projects within.  Like I said, I.AM.IN.LOVE.

Now don't take my word for it, I know we don't all like the same things and chances are I may think it's the cat's meow and someone else might think it's not worth the $12 I paid for it....I think it is and I think I'm going to continue getting it every month and even more, I think I already convinced my husband to get me a subscription for my birthday in August.  Oh yeah!!!

So if the pictures above don't convince you or you need to see a little more, check out this video, if this doesn't have you running out the door looking for your nearest Barnes and Noble or Joann Fabrics, I don't know what to tell you.

*sigh*  that's all I can say.

I'm just going to go drool over my magazine and leaf through it for the 10th time or maybe it's the 11th I don't know, I've lost count.

If you want to take a peek inside the Issue Sampler, click here.   Oh and if you want the templates from the magazine, you can get them at Issue #1 and Issue #2.

Now I'm really really, I'm going.......

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    How can i find this magazine in USA, FL ?
    The link, you gave, is not working .


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