
Monday, August 08, 2011

So good to be back

Reconnecting with yourself is such a pleasure.

Why do we allow ourselves to forget who we are, to just fall through the cracks and get caught up in all the craziness and the hoopla around us?

This wasn't a very long break, truthfully I don't think I'm the kind of person who needs weeks or months to deal with something, I get to the problem, figure it out and move on.

So I'm here, I'm back and I feel like a completely new person.  The time I took has helped me remember who I truly am, what my purpose on this blog is and to stop trying to mix with the crowds, it's just not me and it ends up making me really unhappy and cranky to boot.

Anyway, I started by cleaning out the cobwebs, giving this place a spiffy new look and removing all the preconceived notions I had about what I should and shouldn't talk about, honestly I guess I convinced myself that people didn't want to read about my day or what I was doing without realizing that this blog is EXACTLY for that purpose and that purpose alone.  Silly woman.

I hope you're ready to read about my days, what the family and I are doing and all that other stuff.  I apologize in advance if it bores anyone but it is what it is :)

The past few weeks I've been busy getting ready for the beginning of the school year, which started today.  I now am the proud mama of a 3rd grader and a 7th grader and it makes me wonder just how I got to this point....goodness, just yesterday I was chasing them around in diapers and giving them bottles.

This year instead of a gazillion composition books, I've decided to go the binder route. I think it makes things a lot easier and I'm able to get everything in there including the lesson guides after each lesson is completed plus the individual printouts for each etc.


Another thing I'm starting this year is our Bible Study. Every day after dinner, the whole family is sitting down and doing these together, Curt and I are extremely excited about it and so are the kids :)


I'll be sharing the links everyday on the Diary of a SAHM facebook page, but I'll share them here too for you :)

Here is the first one from Genesis called Creation.


This morning we did the obligatory first day of school pictures, and because we're homeschooling it doesn't mean that we forget that little ritual :)  Matter of fact, from here on out, all school pictures will fall on mama's shoulders and I'm fine with that :)







I could easily just say, don't worry about the pictures, I see them everyday but I think it's so important to keep this tradition, to be able to look back and think, my gosh look how much they've changed from one year to the next :)


I've also been doing a lot of this, just reading on my bed and absolutely loving the Nancy E. Turner series. I recently finished The Star Quilt and am now on the last book called The Star Garden. If you've never read any of the books you simply must, These is My Words is magnificent and also the first in the trilogy.


I grabbed my crochet too, am busy making some crochet slippers for me and Jasmine and of course I'll share the pics with you when they're done :)


Something else I've been enjoying is vintage pillow cases.  I don't know, they just make me smile and I find them so soft and comfy, I'm always on the look out for more :)

Aside from reading I've been trying to find some good shows to watch and I was thrilled to get my hands on Meek's Cutoff this weekend, I can NOT wait to watch it :)

You can watch the trailer if you would like:

Alright, now I'm off to finish dinner which is Meatloaf, Mashed potatoes and green beans. Last night I made a delicious Chicken Pepper Pasta and I'll post the recipe for it on the food blog very shortly.

Have a Blessed night everyone!

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