
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Stop wasting money!

Don't know about you but when someone says that to me, I get happy because it usually means that they're going to follow that statement with some idea that will help me save.

As much as I love a simple life and have said often enough here that I wouldn't mind living in the old days and how technology is such a pain in the behind and ruins so many things, I have to also admit that the internet is a thing of beauty, or more specifically, Pinterest and my Google Reader are a thing of beauty.

I find myself constantly inspired by such amazing women out there, always pushing me to be the best mom and wife, homemaker I can be.  And then I get emails daily from my blog readers telling me that I'm one of those women and that just touches my heart, because I really don't feel like I am, I don't even think many read the blog LOL

But, putting me in the same category as any of these other ladies, is such an honor, so thank you to those of you (you know who you are) that constantly send me words of encouragement and praise, you hold a very special place in my heart  ♥

Now I don't have much time to sit on pinterest, honestly when I first found it I was so addicted to it, I couldn't stop myself, I spent every spare moment pinning and browsing and drooling over SO many things, nowadays, I am able to make it over there every two weeks if I'm lucky and this morning was one of those days, and the minute I opened it up I saw something on the front page that made me jump up and grab what I needed.

I love the plugins, I love that I control how strong the scent is and that every single room can have one going all the time.  One thing I DON'T love?  The refills, having to buy them all the time and they're pretty expensive, almost 3 dollars each one and that adds up.

So what if I told you that you can make your own?  No I'm not kidding!

Holy Crickey is a tumblr website dedicated to DIY's and showing us great ideas on how to save money and do make stuff at home.  MY kind of place :)

So here we go, let me show you how easy this is, you'll be as shocked and happy as I am.  My husband thinks I'm a genius and then I have to remind him that I didn't come up with this, but he doesn't care, he likes the fact that I'm saving us money LOL

:::: Grab your empty refill bottle.  

Homemade Plugin Refill

:::: If you look at it closely or feel around the top, you can see a little groove that allows you to pop that whole top right off.  It's pretty tight on, so I just took a small knife and gently (PLEASE be careful), popped it out.

Homemade Plugin Refill

:::: Then wash it out really well.    Grab your favorite essential oil, I'm using Jasmine but I am going to do Lavender, Warm Vanilla and a few others for the remaining ones in the house.

Homemade Plugin Refill

:::: Pour the oil into the bottle, about 1/3 of the way.

Homemade Plugin Refill

:::::  Fill the rest up with water, just don't go ALL the way to the top otherwise when you pop in the wick, it will splash all over.  Shake it up nicely to mix the oil with the water.  Don't worry if it doesn't exactly mix all the way, you can always give it a little shake now and then. 

Homemade Plugin Refill

Now pop it back into the plug part and plug it in. Ahhhhhhh!

Cheaper, and much healthier. I haven't told you this yet but I'm about to shock some of you with what is in these things.

VOC stands for “volatile organic compounds” and they are highly toxic chemicals with a low boiling point.

VOC cause all sorts of problems in your body: infertility, headaches, nervous system disorders, memory loss and cancer for both your pet and you.   Ummmmm yeah I don't think I want these things in the house anymore.

So thank you again to Holy Crickey, I feel much better knowing that my house is being freshened with the good stuff that won't affect your health.


  1. I'm definitely doing this, Sandra! They're terribly expensive! Where do you buy your oil?

    Thanks for participating in Pinned it, Made it! Monday!


  2. Just found you blog thru Tammy's Pinned it, Made it! Monday......I also am wondering where you buy your oils? I would love to try this!

  3. This was very informative, thank you. Found you through country girl at home. I read your bio and enjoyed it. I'm a Marine wife of almost 13 years. I'd love to have you follow my blog :)

  4. I'm so doing this! I have about 5 empty containers that I can use - thanks for the tip!

  5. Omg...a couple of days ago I filled up the febreeze ones to see if it would work and thinking I was some kind of genius for thinking about this alternative and here I go and find your blog via pinterest. Broken hearted that I am not a genius but totally relieved I'm not alone :)

  6. Omg...a couple of days ago I filled up the febreeze ones to see if it would work and thinking I was some kind of genius for thinking about this alternative and here I go and find your blog via pinterest. Broken hearted that I am not a genius but totally relieved I'm not alone :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
