
Monday, November 07, 2011

{ Happy Homemaker Monday }

The weather in my neck of the woods:
47 degrees right now, and I'm finally wearing sweat pants, a knitted sweater and some gloves.  Now I know I'm probably totally overdoing it compared to the temps some of you already have, but I don't care, it's the only time of the year I actually feel cold LOL

Things that make me happy:  
Lower temperatures, knitted fingerless gloves, hot coffee mugs

Book I'm reading:
The Secret Life of Josephine:  Napoleon's Bird of Paradise by Carolly Erickson - LOVE historical fiction :)

What's on my TV today:  
Hart of Dixie
Kirstie's Handmade Britains


On the menu for dinner:
Chicken Spaghetti

On my To Do List:

Sweep and mop floors

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Black Bean Soup

In the craft basket:
Ripple blanket, simple cowl and more fingerless gloves

Looking forward to this week:
Just a slow, relaxing week. 
Lots of learning with the kids
Eating yummy home cooked food
Watching a ton of period dramas
Crocheting some Christmas gifts

Tips and Tricks:
If you're going for the Homemade Gifts this year, you really need to start early.  It's not even so much as a tip or trick because I'm sure everyone knows this.  Usually I'm the person in the store on the week of Christmas, doing all the shopping....but I've since then gotten over that, maybe I'm getting old LOL   I've started early this year, already bought some things, making a lot of the others :)

My favorite blog post this week:
Work in Progress over at After Hours

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Aunt Angie's Sewing Projects

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):


Lesson learned the past few days:

To check myself....seriously.  To stop, to think, to consider before I open my mouth because sometimes in the heat of the moment I will say something and later regret it. 

On my mind:
All the homemade Christmas gifts I'm making

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.
Proverbs 21:3


  1. Thanks fir the tip about making gifts! I need to figure out if I am going to make anything for anyone. If I am I need to get started!

    I hope you have a great week with the family :)

  2. Hi Sandra, I enjoyed reading your list, as usual. And I must start thinking about the homemade Christmas gifts as well!!

  3. I love seeing your crocheted creations! Have you posted pics of the fingerless gloves before? Do you have an Etsy shop?

  4. I need to start on my Christmas shopping/crafting. I feel like I'm already behind... I'm glad you're enjoying the cooler weather. I'm enjoying it here too, but soon, I'm sure I'll begging to trade you weather or locations. Haha!

    Have a good week.

  5. I too enjoy the cool weather and putting on warm, soft clothes!

  6. I am so behind on the Christmas gifts! I am going to be making some and haven't even started! I really need to get into gear and get going on it!!!

    Love your temps! So great to finally be able to wear some snuggley (yeah, not a word) clothes!!!

  7. I read this book about Josephine and really liked it!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
