
Monday, November 28, 2011

{ Happy Homemaker Monday }

I am running so late this morning, these 4 days off with everyone at home just completely threw me for a loop. I have a house that is desperately needing tidying up and cleaning and I overslept this morning....which hasn't happened in like YEARS.

Anyway, hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, let's get right to it.

The weather in my neck of the woods:
Cold, I'm actually cold and had to put an extra blanket on the bed.  Love it though :)

Things that make me happy:  
Remembering my childhood, thinking about the time I spent with my greatgrandma.

Book I'm reading:
The Love Affair of an English Lord by Jillian Hunter

What's on my TV today:  
Hart of Dixie
Kirstie's Handmade Britain

On the menu for dinner:
Pepperoni Bread, sent in by one of my readers, I'm finally getting around to making it :)

On my To Do List:
Christmas gifts

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Pecan Pie Bars

Pecan Pie Bars

In the craft basket:
Christmas Gifts....crochet, sewing, crafting, all sorts of goodies.

Looking forward to this week:
My hubby passing his PT test tomorrow and being able to enjoy a nice meal without worrying about his calories :)

Tips and Tricks:
So you're making biscuits and can't find the cutter.  Did you know that a mason jar lid will work just as well???  It gives you a little lip to hold on to and you can push the biscuit through :)

My favorite blog post this week:
I am SO far behind on blog reading and I need desperately to catch up with everyone, starting with my last week's Happy Homemaker and Slow Cooking posts.

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
A Cozy Kitchen...lots of great recipes and wonderful photography too :)

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):


Lesson learned the past few days:
That a marriage is only as good as you make it, that you need communication, that you need to sit down and express what you're feeling, what you're not liking.  My hubby and I hit a rough patch last week and for the first time in our marriage I honestly thought we were losing ground, but through prayer, tears and lots of communication, we got through it.

On my mind:
My husband's PT test tomorrow, please say a prayer for him.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2


  1. What a cool picture! I also like that Bible verse.

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. That picture reminds me of where I grew up. A small town nestled in between mountains.

    Communication is key in a marriage. Somethings might be hard to hear or say, but better in the long run.

    The pepperoni bread sounds really good!! Have a great day!!

  3. I really like that Bible verse. :) Good luck to your hubby on his PT test!!! Rob does his in January. :)

  4. I have got to try those pecan pie bars. My hubby would go nuts for em :)

  5. A Cozy Kitchen blog rocks! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait until I get toot cook again....just a few more weeks.....

  6. I am very behind on the whole blogging thing too. Oh well life must be lived before one can blog about it right?

    Those pecan bars look delicious! And the bike is the snow is beautiful.

  7. Glad you sorted everything in your marriage. {{{Hugs}}} Prayer and communication are key.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
