
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Angry Birds

Cup of coffee

Hello there :) I am sitting here with my cup of coffee and thought that I would come share with you my latest projects.

Angry Birds

Please excuse his eyes, for some reason that guy in the back ended up with weird pupils....the kids say that he must have been hit on the head hard lol

I don't know if it's such a good idea to start the year off angry, but these birds sure seem to have someone to pick a bone with.  Haha

My kids have just recently discovered the Angry Birds and are loving them.  While looking for easy Christmas gifts to make at home, a few weeks back, I came across a pattern for felt Angry Birds.

Now while I didn't get a chance to make them for Christmas, I set it aside for another day, which happened to be today as I had my new sewing machine out.  Oh do I love this machine, the Singer 5500, what a relaxing way to sew, it threads itself, it has all these different stitches etc.  It IS a little intimidating at first, I was used to my very old one which clanked it's way through projects.

Anyway, I'm getting distracted.....let me just get right to the point and show you how I made the Angry Birds and also share with you the pattern I used.

While at Michael's on Friday, I picked up quite a bit of felt and now I'm thinking I should go back and get some more.....these are becoming quite popular and I plan on making quite a few, including one or two to give away on the blog :)

Angry Birds

So I used this pattern over at Obsessively Stitching.  Her directions were very easy to follow and I only really paid close attention with the first one, the other came together in about 10 minutes, I kid you not.

Angry Birds

With the two kids wanting one each, I went ahead and cut out double of everything.....

Angry Birds

I just can't, they crack me up, I found myself giggling the whole time.

Angry Birds

Pinned and ready for the beak to go on. 

Angry Birds

No really, if your children love Angry Birds, you have got to give these a try, they are fast to make and they are just adorable.  I'm making the piggy, the black one, yellow one and a blue one this week, oh and maybe a few more, these are highly addictive....but I'll be sure to show you :)

Here is the other project I made, I started last night and worked on it for 3 hours.  I followed a pattern from Simplicity, or should I say, I STARTED out using the pattern and it irritated me so much that I gave up and winged it. 

Camera Bag

Camera bag including a little pocket in the front for my Kindle.  Now let me tell you, I learned how to sew with my grandma Odete who is a seamstress, she used to make all sorts of amazing things, I remember many days sitting with her while she made beautiful wedding dresses.  She had me help her with alterations and all sorts of things and I treasure the moments I spent sitting next to her sewing machine, just watching.

Camera Bag

With that said....I will tell you right now that this bag is full of imperfections, things that some many not notice but I do and if she were standing next to me, she would have frowned and asked me what I was doing LOL

But it's not for anyone, it's not for sale, it's just for me and I'm really happy with the results.  I have tons of room in the bag to be able to insert my purse organizers and make this a double duty bag when we go somewhere that I know I'll be using the camera a the upcoming Renaissance Festival next month.

So all in all, this bag took me 5 hours to make and that was with a lot of stopping, thinking, rethinking, pulling stitches, winging it etc.

I plan on doing a lot of sewing this coming year.

I plan on doing a lot of things actually.....starting with my blog and as I previously stated, starting tomorrow I will be returning full time and I couldn't be more excited if I tried.  What a blessing to feel that I'm doing the right thing, following my heart and going back to what I love.

I do so hope that you will continue to follow me on my journey.  I thank each and every one of you who have stuck by this old blog even when I haven't been such a nice bloggy friend and haven't had a chance to comment on yours.  I will remedy that :)

For now, I'm going to head to Google Reader, hit Mark all read, and reorganize, get rid of blogs that are no longer available, move some stuff around, categorize others etc....plan to start fresh tomorrow.

Goodnight all!


  1. Those birds are stinkin' cute!
    I love your bag too, any imperfections are not obvious.

  2. So glad that you are *back*! I've still loved keeping up with you (even if I'm awful at commenting), but I'm happy to see that you will be getting back to the blog I first started reading years ago.

    Thanks for sharing the pattern, too. My kids keep seeing those Angry Birds toys that cost way more than plush toys should and I keep putting them off. I can't wait to make some of my own that will cost way less and probably be way more adorable!

  3. Nice work! I have a terrible habit of starting projects and never finishing them. I'm always impressed that you get so many projects completed!

  4. Gorgeous camera bag! Love. You are so talented!

  5. Ren Faire? I want to go! The ren fairs around here usually run weekends from memorial day to labor day, with a few others dotted in here and there. 2 major ones though. Never been to either.

  6. wow, beautiful camera bag. I love your blog. Can't wait to see what you post in 2012 :). Have a great week.

  7. Love those birds! My daughter and I both love angry birds. How simple to make!!!

    Also love the camera bag.. very pretty! Great job! Sometimes the imperfections are what make it the perfect purse.

  8. These are so awesome! Thanks so much for linking up I am a fan of your blog and have been for like a year or so. Thanks for stopping by Blissful and Domestic

  9. Camera bag is just lovely.. I would love to learn how to sew like that.. hopefully one day :)


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