
Saturday, January 07, 2012

{ Five Senses Saturday }


One of the best parts of rediscovering my blog again, has been the journey through the archives and the wonderful features and memes that I used to do and completely forgot about.

Like this one for instance, I always really really loved this one and then just let it slip on by as I became busy with other stuff, became distracted by other technology and trends and decided to follow the masses.

It's quite eye opening when after a few years you sit down and suddenly realize that you were wasting time on stuff that didn't add anything positive to your life. Glad I caught myself and put a stop to it :)

But anyway, here's my Five Senses Saturday and I'm hoping to keep it up from this day onwards :) You are more than welcome to join in if you wish )


- Nicholas giggling from the couch with his new book
- The Civil Wars "Barton Hollow".  Love this band :)

- Pugs barking at the neighbor's dog outside
- My husband messing with the kids, they're all laughing and screeching

- Bangs and loud thuds coming from the house across the street as new neighbors move in



- my plants starting to grow
- my beautiful new butter dish

- the products of my labor after a day of baking

- my kids faces when they hear the door open when daddy comes home from work

- my coffee cup with just a few sips left



- the hot pan of cinnamon rolls

- my children's faces

- my soft bath mitt

- bubbles in the sink as I wash the dishes

- the screen of my kindle as I flip through the pages


- the first bite into a hot cinnamon roll
- large glass of orange juice when I start to feel sick

- the first slice of bread from the freshly hot homemade loaf

- white chocolate with hazelnuts

- sun tea



- bread baking

- laundry drying

- spaghetti sauce in the crockpot
- lavender linen water

- garlic, onion and olive oil cooking on the stove


  1. I love this theme! As I began to read, I sat still and noticed all the sounds and sights around me. Thank you for sharing your moment so I could have one of my own.

  2. I love this too, I have visited your archives here and there (and have read your blog for years LOL) and I was seriously just thinking I miss this theme! Hope you are having a wonderful day, it's 58 and sunny here in New England!

  3. I wnt to ful bellies today to refresh my memory on making the meat pie. Sad to learn you had to move your site because of mean people. I tried to email you there but the link did not work. Can you please send me the information---- Thank you so much. I love your blogs.

  4. At first I couldn't place you with my terrible memory but I got it figured out now! LOL! So glad to see you and I will add you to my reader! Enjoyed this post as well! Huggles!

  5. 5 senses, hear - radio on with old music, rain pounding against our fireplace chimney, fridge running.. see - the email saying I was going to Smithers to take a 3 day course on FAS in Feb.. your blog Sandra as I type, smells - nothing today, Have a great Saturday...Sue

  6. Pretty butter dish! I haven't commented much lately but wanted you to know that I am still reading. I am sure you understand the time issue. :) I hope to do a better job commenting this year.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Beautiful and serene. I love this meme. I was just enjoying hearing the rain. I'm loving the butter dish. And wishing I had made cinnamon rolls today!

  8. hi! I have been a long time reader of your blog. :) I have a 21 day slow cooker challenge on my blog. :) Let me know if you would like to link up! :) Erin

  9. I've always loved this when you've done it in the past Sandra! Do you want us to specifically do it on Saturdays if we want to join in?

  10. Your blog is very impressive!!Nice post.
    This post is different from what I read on most blog.
    And it have so many valuable things to learn.
    Thank you for your sharing!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
