
Thursday, January 05, 2012

{ Today I............ }

♥ ♥   Got rid of the Christmas decorations



♥ ♥ Opened the door a wonderful package from UPS



♥ ♥ Fell completely in love with all my Cath Kidston goodies, but especially with this gorgeous Butter Dish


♥ ♥ Used up leftover chicken from the curry to make some pies


♥ ♥ Tried a new recipe for dinner....Tuna and Bread Lasagna


♥ ♥ After dinner dishes were done and kitchen was clean, pulled out my bread machine


♥ ♥ Threw in the ingredients for some cinnamon rolls


♥ ♥  watched them rise on the kitchen table....popped them in the refrigerator and when I get up in the morning I just have to bake them.


♥ ♥ Counted my blessings for another day of homemaking, another day of sunshine and another day of love surrounding me


  1. Hi Sandra, I love the butter dish; those colors are so refreshing! Those cinnamon rolls look soooo good! What time should I be there in the a.m.??? ha

  2. Cutest butter dish *ever*! lol! I have no idea how you stay in such good shape with the way you cook, I'd surely weigh 2x as much as I do now!! Hahaha!! Then again, I can't cook even 1/10th as good as you! lol!

  3. I like your mille-fleur butter dish! Beautiful!

  4. Sweet, happy butter dish. I love your style.

    Is your bread machine an Oster? Yours looks just like mine, except the name of it is on the right. I've had mine about 12 years now and love it. I've never tried the cinnamon rolls though. They look delicious!

    You amaze me and inspire me with your love of homecaring.

    Thank you ~ FlowerLady

  5. We'll be taking down our Christmas decorations over the weekend.

    Love all of your adorable Cath Kidston goodies!!! So pretty!

    I'm planning on making your curry next week or over the weekend if we don't have enough leftover!

    Hmm...those cinnamon rolls to look heavenly! Do you happen to have a non-bread machine recipe?

  6. love the butter dish very pretty. The picture with your bread machine in the background and the oil lamp in the front is the base green? If so I have the same one :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
