
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

{ Yarn Along }

I love Wednesdays, not only because they mean the middle of the week for me and closer to the weekend, but because it means Yarn Along and I can share with you what I've made or what I'm currently working on.

Don't forget to head over to Ginny's blog to join in or to see what she's working on :)

So before I show you what I'm working on now, let me give you a little Ta-Dah moment with my Daisy Square Pillow.  It turned out amazing, I'm SO happy with it :)


*sigh* it was so simple to make and I can't get over how adorable it looks, it just makes me so happy when I look at it :)


So there you have it, all finished and placed next to my other crochet pillow, the Blooming Flower :)

But now onto today's Yarn Along.


Following in Lucy's footsteps, I am crocheting a cover for an empty tissue box which is going to be turned into a holder for my Basil pot. :) I have a couple other boxes around that I'm going to do the same for with different color combinations and they will all be placed on my windowsill with my herbs.


As for what I'm currently reading, after my Kindle went Kapoot the other day :(  and while I wait to get a new one, I'm enjoying looking through some of my older books, like this one called A Garden Supper Tonight.

 I think what I love the most about this book is that it's divided into months and Seasons.  Most of the recipes shared have been printed as they were found or either passed down from generation to generation, so you'll see a lot of pinch of this, and a handful of that.  I LOVE it, it's how I learned how to cook, there was no measuring just eyeballing :)

So that's what I'm reading and that is what I'm crocheting :)


  1. Yes, that is definitely adorable!

  2. Love your pillows. They would make me happy to look at too. I've been thinking of doing some jar covers--I have some that are different shapes and I thought it would be cute to cover them. Take care.

  3. I love seeing what you are crocheting. The pillows are soooo pretty, Sandra.

  4. Beautiful pillows.
    Your work is amazing!

  5. Ooo, it's wonderful! I just love the daisy square, and am getting ready to try one myself. I'm excited to take it on!
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  6. Love the pillow. You are so talented. I wouldn't like AZ maybe but I know I'd like meeting you in person and seeing all the beautiful things you create.

  7. This is just gorgeous! I would love for you to join us for Inspire Me Monday and share your talents!

    I also host a weekend hop, Friendship Fridays, that I'd love for you to check out - it's a friendly party where we get to know other bloggers better!

    Have a wonderful week and thanks also for hosting the Recipe Swap!



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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
