
Friday, March 16, 2012


After much thought, I have decided to take a brief hiatus from blogging. It was not an easy decision to make because I am the sort of person that struggles with pleasing everyone and trying to keep track of it all.

It boils down to the fact that I am feeling overwhelmed at the moment and getting the sense that I can not do everything and please everyone. Ever feel like you are being pulled in a thousand directions and just want to take a break from life?

So as much as it saddens me to have to do this, I really think that my soul needs refreshing, that my body needs taking care of and that I need to enjoy myself without feeling like I am letting anyone down or making promises that I inadvertently break.

I do hope you all understand and keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine.

I will be back soon, until then God bless!


  1. Dear Sandra ~ Sometimes we do need a break. The internet can be such an overload, not to mention an attention and time grabber.

    Sending you, love and hugs and prayers to God as He tenderly cares for you through this time. May you be refreshed in mind, body and spirit.


  2. I just told my husband last night that I needed one too, not from blogging, but from other things we've been dealing with... He can't get off work for spring break, but he said he was fine with me taking the kids on a little getaway :) Hopefully I'll come back better!

    Have a good break, we all need one occasionally. We'll be here when you get back :)

  3. You go for it, Girl, and blessings to ya! To blog about life you have to live life first.

  4. You will definitely be missed, but I completely understand being overwhelmed and needing a break. Take care of yourself and your family.

  5. Will miss your refreshing posts but totally understand. Take care and enjoy your break.

  6. Good for you! No matter what you do in life we all need a break/vacation from it all. A time to just relax, refresh and rebuild!

    Enjoy your time. ((HUGS))

  7. Best of luck to you. Breaks are good things.

  8. Good for you! Have a wonderful break. :)

  9. I'll miss you, but I get it! Enjoy the break and see you soon!

  10. I know that feeling well. Enjoy your breat!

  11. Do I understand?
    Just promise to come back when the time is right. We'll be here waitintg for you!

  12. I will miss you very very much! Take care x

  13. Sending love, hugs, well wishes and hope you're back soon. You have lit up my mornings; you're the first thing I turn to when I crank up the computer and love your recipes. Take care, God Bless and see you when you return refreshed. Godspeed.

  14. We all need a break sometimes, I often have unscheduled blog breaks just due to sheer busyness and I can find 2 or 3 weeks have gone by and I haven't blogged.

    Looking forward to your return to blog-dom when you feel ready.

    Sarah xx

  15. I will miss you. As I've said before, your blog is the first one I read each day. Take care, enjoy some relaxation and family time.Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping all is well. :-)

    Laura B.

  16. I think we all need to step away from things for awhile. Have fun!!

  17. totally understand - enjoy your much needed break. we'll still be here when you get back!

  18. praying and boy do I understand more than I can explain

  19. The internet can be very overwhelming at times, especially when you have a family to care for. While the net can be a wonderful thing, it can have that effect where eventually you just feel pulled in all directions. Sometimes it is best to pull away and focus on yourself and family. I have a fellow mom blogging friend who announced that she would no longer be doing scheduled posts, but just random blogging. It has worked well for her as she doesn't feel like she HAS to post anything, and she updates about once a week, or even once every two weeks. Sometimes she will even take "blogcations". Life is too short not to enjoy it. I hope when you come back you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Good luck Sandra! :)

  20. Praying for refreshment and rejuvenation for you during this break. Best wishes & God bless!!

  21. This is the first day that I have visited your blog spot and bummer for me that you are starting your hiatus. But you are correct. You have so many wonderful ideas and recipes - I will be busy enjoying what I have been missing for a while. So glad you are taking some time for yourself. Be healthy and enjoy your husband and kids. I will be praying for you! p.s. I found you from another blogger who gave you the credit! Just fyi!

  22. Missing you dear friend :-)

    Hope you are enjoying your "disconnected" time.

  23. Enjoy your downtime with the family. Look forward to seeing you again when you return. :)

  24. Like the others have said before me, I totally understand. I am actually just coming off of a break. It has been so nice, but I am ready to get back into it. I hope that you have a refreshing break. I did want to ask you, if anyone will be taking over your Happy Homemaker Monday, or will it be over until you are back?

  25. Oh bother, I only just found your blog and was going to start following you !!! (lols). God Bless your decisions - Linda


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