
Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

Oh Blogger, it's been such a nuisance to me the past week.

Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend and here's wishing for a wonderful week ahead :)

Happy Homemaker Monday
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The weather:::
72 degrees right now and it's only 6:30 am LOL  It's already warm here in AZ and it's going to continue getting warmer.  I don't mind it that much yet, but I'm sure I'll be crying "Uncle" when we get to 120.   

On my reading pile:::  
Joyce Meyer Devotional
Joseph Prince Devotional
The Uninvited Guests (for a review on Wednesday) 

On my TV:::
Watched The Awakening yesterday, it was a great movie.  Also watched the new Underworld movie with hubby, we love all the movies but were bummed to see that Michael Corvin wasn't included.  
Today I hope to watch The Victorian Garden and Kitchen.

On the menu for this week:::
 Monday -   Chicken Curry
Tuesday - Will be at the car dealership so will get something while we're out.
Wednesday - 
Thursday -  
Friday -  Homemade Pizza with Garlic Crust
Saturday -  
Sunday -  

Have to finish Menu Planning today, so not sure yet what the rest of the week looks like.  

On my to do list:::
Some ironing
Mop the floors
Math tests for the kids
Menu Planning/Grocery List 

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Almost finished with the ripply cushion, just need 2 more rows then I can put it together.

In Homeschooling:::
Have some Math tests to administer to the kids.
Nicholas will be working with magnets, friction, force, gravity etc in Science.
Jasmine is also learning about Motion in Science.
We're down to the crunch and will be finishing off the school year this week, we're so excited :) 

Looking around the house:::
Hubby is on the computer checking his Castleville before leaving for work LOL  
I'm sitting on my recliner with the laptop on my legs, typing this post and trying not to move my neck much, I pulled a muscle while watching the movie last night because I fell asleep with my neck all twisted and it's really bugging me this morning.  Kids are still asleep.
The back door is open and I'm hearing the birds chirping outside, it's a beautiful morning.

From the camera:::

Homemade Cheese Crackers, really easy, just a few ingredients and the kids loved them.


Something fun to share:::
I love YouTube.  I love the fact that I can find pretty much anything on there and I have a few Channels bookmarked for some of my favorite shows.
Here are some of my favorites:

Homesteading Today - Homesteading, do it yourself, self sufficient.
Imperial War Museum - Lots of videos from wartime England, Make do and Mend, Dig for Victory etc.
Victorian TV Series - Victorian Kitchen, Victorian Garden 
Shazzandfred's Channel - A lot of the River Cottage Episodes, which I really enjoy
Supersizers - All the Supersizer episodes, Wartime, Ancient Rome, Medieval etc

On my prayer list:::
After so many years, and both vehicles being paid off, this week we have to get a new one for me.  My 1998 Durango is no longer running so we've been relying on my husband's truck.  Problem is that it's a 1998 as well and it's starting to fall apart.  He has to drive to Texas soon and we really need a reliable vehicle.  I'm praying that the Lord helps us find the perfect one at a good price.

Bible verse, Devotional::: 
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

– James 4:7 (NIV)


  1. Hi Sandra, hope you are off to a great week and good luck with your vehicle and your neck! Praying for both!


  2. Good morning! I feel ya on the annoying blogger thing...whats up with that?! {hate change} Those crackers look amazing - might need to try those! And, thanks for the Youtube links - would love to check into each of those!

  3. I didn't know I was craving cheese crackers until I read your post. I will add them to my to do list!

  4. I am having huge problems with blogger as well this week. I had to download Google Chrome just to post stuff. Kinda weird. I am praying that you guys find a good vehicle at a great price. We found out last week that my SUV needs about $1500 worth of work...don't know where that money is coming from but I do know that God will provide.

  5. Hope you 're off to a better week... and thanks for allowing us to share in this happy theme!!

  6. I'm definitely making those crackers and your refrigerator oatmeal this week.
    Good luck with the car. I'll send prayers your way. It's never easy finding a new car.

  7. Those crackers look delicious! Sounds like a great menu!

  8. Thank you again for hosting Sandra. You have given us lots of things to explore on Youtube ~ very welcome as hubby is spending lots of time in bed with his bad back (I think he has already watched all our DVDs!!) I hope you have a great week. Best wishes Emily {The Country Mumkijn}

  9. I love this space of yours. I started following you a while ago, but really went through a lot of the posts today. It is very inspiring- your pictures, the prayer list and the devotional at the end- a little bit of everything. And I feel like crunching into one of those cheese crackers. Have a blessed week.

  10. The bible verse really jumped out at me. So many times I try to resist the devil but forget to submit myself to God daily.

    Yummy looking crackers.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
