
Friday, June 08, 2012

Day 10

Another day.  I am really enjoying making these posts for me, for my children and for my husband.  It's a way to document our lives while he is away.

:::: writing letters
Day 10

:::: it felt wonderful to put pen to paper and to let some special people know that I'm thinking of them
Day 10

::::  making a snack
Day 10

:::: Sweet and Saltines....saltine crackers, caramel, chocolate. I used milk chocolate, white chocolate and nutella today
Day 10

:::: indulging in a little sweetness
Day 10


  1. How nice that you got so many letters to put in the post...lots of smiles at mailboxes!

    I have those same stamps aren't they nice? xo

  2. I am enjoying all of the blogging you've been doing lately....thanks for sharing it with us!

  3. Those saltine crackers look delicious! You should publish all your posts of when your hubby is away into a book so you'll have the memories forever. Just a thought! My hubby left this morning and will back in about a month. He'll be in Wisconsin for a month of training. Hard to be apart. I don't think some people understand because all I keep getting on Facebook is how I should enjoy my time away from my hubby and get a bunch of projects done, etc. Whatever. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I still like letter writing. Hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy the treats!


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