
Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 27

:::: Morning battle with ants in the house. A new bag of dog food was completely full of ants, so out in the trash it went. Had to run out and get another bag to replenish the container
Day 27

:::: a little mommy craving
Day 27

:::: Mopped floors....she knows she is not supposed to walk on them while they're wait, so Miss Bella is patiently waiting at the edge of the rug
Day 27

:::: Writing in her book for daddy
Day 27

:::: simple dinner for the kids, one of their favorite easy meals which reminds me a lot of my childhood. Cheesy Burger patties and rice with peas.
Day 27

:::: there's something so wonderful about a simple meal
Day 27


  1. We had ants in the kitchen a couple of years ago..they just showed up one day and right away we were in a situation like you. My husband sent me to the hardware store in search of an ant trap. They are readily available, easy and safe (I was skeptical). They are small oval tins with a small hole in the top. You place them around where you see them and leave them there. Soon you see no ants. I left them there and finally took them away and we have never had them come back.

    I tucked mine behind things on the counter and on a window ledge.

    Hopefully, you will find some help with this. xo

  2. I love swedish fish too- addicting! I love the picture of Bella. So cute that she sits on the rug until the floor is dry!

  3. So sorry about your ants!!! We have them in the backyard and they like to bite my little girl when she's playing out there. I found several tips that maybe you can try. Laying whole cloves and bay leaves around the pantry and other trouble spots. Outside people recommend instant grits for long term ant control. For outside and inside 50/50 water and vinager.

  4. My sister has a problem with ants every year in her kitchen. Hope you were able to get rid of them! And i love a hamburger patty for dinner!

  5. What a good doggy!

    We've got ants too, not in any food, but I catch them on the counter and floor. Makes me crazy. I think they are getting in under a door somewhere. Time to change the door sweeps I guess.


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