
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 30

:::: apples on the kitchen table
Day 30

:::: these sit on my freezer, and yes, I'm proudly sporting plastic flowers, no shame
Day 30

:::: menu planning
Day 30

:::: military wive's best friend while hubby is deployed/tdy
Day 30

:::: the girl's glasses which she has now managed to not lose for 6 months, so she will be getting new expensive ones shortly
Day 30

:::: Bible reading, a few moments with God
Day 30

:::: candles are to be enjoyed all throughout the year, not just in the winter
Day 30

:::: the girl and her laptop, she likes reading the news on yahoo
Day 30

:::: the boy playing a game on his computer
Day 30

:::: dinner tonight, the kids wanted cheesy noodles but I really didn't feel like it, so coffee and a sandwich it was for me
Day 30

:::: peanut butter and jelly, just because
Day 30

:::: a good cup of coffee
Day 30

:::: my little corner of the living room
Day 30

:::: shutting off for the night
Day 30


  1. I hope your hubby is enjoying reading all these entries! A really nice way to document your life while he is deployed. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Everything is so instant now. It's amazing how technology has changed. Skype, texting, blogging.....Even 40 years ago I bet it was hard. None of that instant stuff, and letters probably took forever to go overseas.

    I had an uncle stationed in Vietnam. He recorded on both sides of a cassette tape and sent those home instead of letters. The one I actually found and listened to you could hear the planes flying over. When they flew over he didn't say anything because there is no way you could have heard anything. Wonder what ever happened to that cassette.

  3. It seems to be going by so fast, but I am sure you are tired of it and are anxiously awaiting your husband's return. Your photographs are so beautiful, I love looking at them. I think I already told you, but I've been reading your blog from it's beginning and am thoroughly enjoying it. I am so glad you are still writing. p.s. Your home looks so cozy and inviting.

  4. You really can't beat a delicious PB and J Sandwich- so yummy!

  5. Yum! I love a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich! And, there is no shame in plastic flowers! I want some for my house. :)

  6. i have plastic flowers because the cats eat real ones or sit in them. No shame here either!


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