
Monday, January 07, 2013

A good kind of tired


Sitting down for the very first time today.  My feet are aching something fierce, and so is my lower back, so this little memory pillow behind my back is helping a lot.

How was your day today?  Did everyone go back to school and work?

Mine started very early, at 5AM, and no I won't say that it was easy.  Much as I was looking forward to getting back into the groove, it was easier said than done.  When that alarm clock went off I cringed.

After hubby left for work, I got dressed for the day and immediately tied my apron on and off to work I went.  I don't know about you all, but homemaking brings me immense joy, to the point where I was smiling so big while going around doing my stuff.

There's such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment when the dishes are washed


and the counters are clean, and your living room is picked up.


I always have some sort of candle or warmer going, I just love my home smelling nice.


To say I got through tons of laundry today, would be an understatement. Even though I use a laundry schedule, I will admit that the past few weeks with everyone home, completely threw me off and the laundry paid for it.

But multi-tasking is the key, and while I'm doing dishes I have a load going, then I switch it over to the dryer and get another washing while I vacuum, then pull the previous one out the dryer on to the kitchen table to fold, while the next goes into the dryer and another in the wash....and so forth, and so forth.

By 8:30AM I had gotten most of the laundry under way, the dishes washed, the kitchen clean and swept and it was time for breakfast.

My boy loves Toad in a hole



After the kids finished breakfast, there was yet more laundry to tackle


and a little more moving things here and there, and adding some of my touches like this mini bunting to my aloe plant


It honestly felt like the day just flew by without me even noticing. It was also a college class day for the hubby which always makes it crazy for me.

Dinner prepping under way, getting the dumplings ready while the broth simmered on the stove


I tell you, it felt good to sit down for a few minutes to enjoy dinner with the family before having to jump right back into housework.


I also spent some time today looking for some of my favorite books that I haven't seen in what seems like forever. And I can't find them...anywhere. I'm so frustrated because I am hoping that I didn't include them in the box that I donated to Goodwill a few weeks ago.

See, I've been feeling a very strong pull towards the Lord's word, not just the Bible but devotionals and inspirational books etc. Karon Phillips Goodman wrote these adorable little devotionals which I mentioned on my blog many many years ago, I'm thinking back in 2006 or 2007. I loved them so very much and now I can not for the life of me find them. I may have to go online and buy new ones.


I do have one on hand still, and I'm going to start re-reading it tonight. Pursued by the Shepherd by Karon Phillips Goodman.

At one time or another, most of us have tried to find our way by ourselves. Like sheep that wander away from the shepherd, we wind up in undesirable pastures in need of rescue.

And I'm feeling sort of like this.  As much as I love God and as close as I consider myself to be with Him, I still feel like sometimes I stray, not intentionally, but I do.  Thankfully He is always there waiting.

But this book was such a joy to read when it came out in 2007, and I think it will only do me good to read it again :)

I ended up babbling again this post didn't I?  It's just that I feel so comfortable chatting with you ladies, as if we were seated around a table with a cup of coffee and some cake.

So I'm going to end it here, wish you all a goodnight, thank you for always stopping by and leaving such kind comments, and go off and cuddle with my Lola on the couch while I read.

God Bless,


  1. And I just ordered this book on Amazon based on your recommendation! I enjoy your blog. Happy New Year!

  2. I have the same Scentsy warmer----I always bring it out for spring---being Alberta, that's usually not until May! :)
    I did a laundry schedule today thanks to you---most inspiring!

  3. I'm going to have to look for that book.

    Love your sweet little personal touches to your house like that cute mini bunting.

  4. Your 'Toad in a Hole' wasn't at all what I was expecting! Over here we have 'Toad in the hole' which involves cooking sausages in a yorkshire pudding batter in the oven. I think it's funny how something that sounds so similar could be so different! xx

  5. Good morning, Sandra. I always enjoy your cozy little photos from around your home! I understand what you were saying about straying from the Lord. And it's not event that we stray into areas that others would recognize as sinful. It's just that we stray into that area where we want to do things our own way and we get a bit unfocused. My husband and I were just talking about this this morning during our devotional time together. Well, have a blessed day!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
