
Friday, January 11, 2013

Putting down roots.....

Simone Weil -- “To be rooted is perhaps the most important and the least recognized need of the human soul.”

 Credit:  Down on the Farm

I'm dreaming today, totally in dream land and allowing myself no limits on my imagination and what I want for my future.

It's why I want to talk about roots today and putting down roots.

Sometimes I think that it's pretty sad that we are almost 40 years old, have two children and haven't put down roots anywhere.

My kids won't ever be able to show their own children the house they grew up in...the room that was theirs throughout their childhood, the tree in the backyard that held the tire swing.

We're military, we don't have roots, we don't have predictability, we don't have a home we brought our children to as newborns, a home where they took their first steps, or markings on a wall showing their height as they grew through the years.

I would love nothing more than to look out into my backyard and see a big old tree that I have watched grow for many years.  It's quite depressing at times, and I am opening my heart and telling you all that I do feel a little bit of envy when I see families who have those roots that I so yearn for.

But, with all that said, it's also one of the reasons I'm so excited to be leaving in a few months.  We'll be buying a house, our own house, where I can pain the walls whatever color I want, where I can add this or remove that, where I can plant fruit trees and do whatever I please without having to go through all the red tape.

So I'm on a mission, and I'm collecting and bookmarking and saving and excitedly planning.....dreaming!!!

That's it....just dreaming of all these things.  Truthfully, I don't think I'll get them all, but it doesn't hurt to wish and hope and imagine as big as you can.


Country living.  Right up there at the top of my wish list.  I would really love a home in the country surrounded by trees and lots of empty space.

Credit:  Google

Would be nice to have a yard with an actual fence, not these community fences that are just plain awful.....a yard where I can grow whatever I want to without having to ask for permission or being told that it's not allowed on base.

And chickens, lots of chickens running around, clucking away...

I'm sure my actual house will end up being nothing like this, but just the fact that I will be able to say it's ours and our children will be able to call it home and really mean HOME where they will finish their childhood years and start college and marriage and their own families, and come home to for holidays.....that I think is what matters the most.

So I'm going to keep dreaming, and thinking, and collecting ideas and really looking forward to the next big chapter in our lives......but I'm also going to keep myself firmly planted in reality.

And now that I've put it all out there for you, I'm going to go admire my newest yarn bucket.

Had a metal tub that I purchased at Goodwill about a year ago, grabbed some fabric, the hot glue gun and some pretty trim and now I have something very  pretty and very ME.

Also have to take Lola to the vet in a few hours, she's been doing very well since the incident, so we'll see what the vet says.  Thank you again for all the prayers and if you could throw some more our way I would appreciate it.....also some prayers for my brother and sister in law, they had to put their dog down in the middle of the night.  He suffered from seizures and was on medication but last night he was seizing non stop, they couldn't control it and the vet couldn't either.  They were so heartbroken :(

I hope you all have a good rest of Friday and I'll be back tomorrow with some Five Senses Saturday which I haven't done in so very long, will be fun to do it again :)


  1. Oh, it is so hard losing a pet -- my thoughts are with your brother and sister-in-law. It's so sad :-( Very pretty yarn bucket and YAY for country living :-) Ah chickens... still one of my dreams even though we totally have the room. I am just so on the fence about the committment.

  2. Keep dreaming, because dreams DO come true.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  3. Our lives are so close yet so different...we are fortunate enough to have the roots you long for..only we are too rooted if that were possible...after spending 35 years in one city we did took a plunge and retired and moved only to find out this is not our home so after only 4 months we are moving back to our our church, our retired coworkers, our banks, groomers, vets, high school friends, etc I pray you will become as rooted as us...likewise pray for our house here to sell quickly....Thanks Love you Aunt Nita

  4. Sandra, I for one can't wait till you find that special house!! And I know you will!! And when you do ,I will look forward to the sharing I hope you will do as you make your house your home!! It will be a new season in your lives and a new door the Lord will open for you and your family!!!! In Christ,Suzy M.

  5. YOU are their roots. : ) Angela

  6. Wishing you all the best as you and your family move towards a new and exciting chapter of your lives!

    Keeping your brother and sister in law in my prayers.

  7. Hoping you have a good report from the vet and praying for your brother and sister in law.
    I'm so with you on country living. We lived in town for our first 8 years and I yearned for the country. We don't have lots of property now but we don't have people on top of us either. I'm excited for your new home, and seeing you do whatever you want to it, to make it your own!

  8. After spending years between Ft. Bragg, NC and Hohenfels, Germany I was finally able to put down roots 12 years ago. It is a great feeling!

  9. So excited for you to start this new chapter in your life!! When we finally settled down after years of travel and bought our home it was like a whole new world for me, finally a real place of our own that no one could take away. One of the not so nice things about putting down roots is you tend to collect clutter since you are not always packing and unpacking, beware!! Ha

  10. Thank you for this post. I grew up in the same old rambling farmhouse that my parents still live in. When I was younger I use to dream of living in this town or living down a certain country road, but now that I am older I appreciate the sameness and the everydayness of that old home. Now that Matt and I have 2 boys I long for them to have a place called home. We have lived in this house since 2004 and call it home. We however wish for less neighbors and more room to move around (1 acre can see so small!) but we are truly blessed. I do know that once I land a teaching job and we are more financially stable we will look to buy elsewhere in this same general location.

    But it is not hard nor difficult to dream. I loved the picture of the bedroom. So lodge-like and beckoning!

  11. I think it's fun to dream. I do it! And I just know that whatever your future home looks like, you will make it into something wonderful and cozy!

  12. I remember having similar thoughts about mid way through my husband's naval career but I kept thinking I can't wait to start our life. Well it did finally dawn on me one day that our life had started and this was it for now.

    We have had 19 homes and we are on my husband's last 13 months of what will end up being 24 years and 4 months of service to our country. We bought our home 2 1/2 years ago, knowing that we are retiring here, and I love having something to call mine. More so than the home, I love being part of a community. I go out and know people and people know me. I'm involved with girl scouts and my son was captain of the football team. My husband has golf buddies and my daughters are involved with a local dance school and gymnastics gym. I try and shop local as much as I can also. Its that sense of belonging that helps make my cup runneth over.

    I know we still have one more move though. Same community just bigger home and more in the country. Love your blog and I am also a faithful reader.

  13. I hope all your country living dreams come true. I can totally see you in that environment.

    I have to back read the posts to see what happened with Lola but saying a prayer for her. Hugs to your brother and sis in law. It's devestating to have to put a beloved pet to sleep.

  14. I could have written this almost word for word. Of course we weren't looking to be kicked in the teeth for a year without a job and unable to start new -- but all in good time. The amazing this is neither of us miss the military one bit. And that shocks both of us.


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