
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Homemaking on a Sunday!

It's not like homemaking during the week.  At least not for me.  Because you see, homemaking during the week entails lots of laundry and dishes and schooling and bills, grocery shopping and phone calls and busy schedules.

Homemaking on a Sunday, is a different kind.  It's the quiet, restful, relaxed kind.

You putter around, you rearrange things, you decorate here and there, you cook up or bake special treats for the family, you sew, you crochet, you paint.  The fun stuff.

So, here's how I spent my fun Sunday, doing those things which I find relaxing.


Setting up to make something special for my boys. My husband and son LOVE summer sausage and sometimes they will buy one to share, but they do prefer my homemade one.


Two HUGE summer sausages. I made them this morning and now they'll sit in the refrigerator until tomorrow morning, then I'll bake them in the oven for 2 hours. Yum!


Some more tulips blooming, my kitchen is filled with beautiful yellows and oranges.


My boys spent the day outside playing, they played basketball, then headed to the gym for racketball. On the way home they decided to drive around the base and pick some fruit. They brought home oranges, grapefruit and some lemons :)


I decided they look prettier in this colander.


Yes, much better.

While they were gone, Jasmine and I stayed home. We just talked, relaxed, watched some TV and I pulled out my sewing machine to make this cute little drawstring bag.


It's not exactly finished. I have a little tag with the word Seeds on it, that I'm going to stitch on the front. I made it in about 10 minutes, just cut out some 2 inch squares, 10 of the blue fabric and 10 of the white, sewed them in rows and then together, cut out some white fabric for the back. Sewed it all together, made a quick hem at the top. Then I soaked it in coffee to stain it slightly and give it an antiqued look.


When it was the right color for me, I wrung it out, threw it in the dryer for a few minutes until dry....then I made two slits on the top of the bag using my seam ripper and then threaded some twine through. That's it :)


Did a little dusting here and there and redecorated this shelf that sits above my TV. Used to have some other things on there, but I wanted to stick with the Americana look that is in my living room. I like it better this way.


When that was done, I put together a pork roast, braised it nicely on the stove top and then popped it in the oven for 2 hours. While that cooked away, I started another project, this is going to be an American Flag wreath for my door.


And just because I hadn't yet shared many pictures of my finished Granny Stripe Blanket, here it is....


Jasmine has claimed it for herself, she loves it and says it's the perfect size for her when she's sitting on the couch.


Now it's time for Walking Dead with the family, so I better skidaddle on out of here.

Have a great night :)


  1. oh i really wish you lived closer so you could teach me how to do that blanket - it's so pretty. Lucky Jasmine getting it!

  2. I love those measuring cups and tulips are so cheery.
    The bag turned out adorable and Terri is right about the blanket. I think you need to take a trip to West Michigan!

  3. sounds like you had a great weekend

  4. What a lovely Sunday you had. Bonding time between father and son, and mother and daughter, then all together. Your life is colorful, peaceful and full of goodness. Thank you for sharing and being the inspiration that you are.


  5. Sounds like a lovely peaceful day, such a cute bag you made it would be perfect for using as a bag to give a loaf of bread in

  6. Oh how I enjoy those kind of days! We ended up with a lazy Saturday and an afternoon in the kitchen for me. The kind of day that restores your spirit!

    Have a great week!

  7. What a cute bag! I love the finished Granny Stripe blanket--so bright and happy looking. Americana is a favorite of mine. Sounds like you had a great day:)

  8. I LOVE the blanket! I hope you share the recipe for homemade summer sausage-my husband loves it!

  9. hi
    Where did you get those wonderful measuring cups..


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