
Sunday, February 03, 2013

Sunday morning.....

Come on in, but be very quiet as the husband and children are still sound asleep in their beds.

I have some hot coffee and some gingersnaps to nibble on.

Well I haven't done a post this early in a long time, but I'm up, I'm awake, I'm ready to start my day, albeit not feeling 100%.  Let's just say that my lower back is hurting, I'm cramping and the hot water bottle is my best friend today.  You get my drift right?

It's cloudy outside and we have a chance of rain coming our way, I happen to believe it's the best day for sitting around doing absolutely nothing, save from eating comfort food and enjoying pots of tea.  I did have some grilling planned for today but I'll switch that out with another meal on the menu, no problem.

First thing I did this morning, after settling into my chair, was open my daily devotionals, and this is the one for today.......

"Do whatever is necessary to nurture the spirit of stillness in your life. Don't let the enemy wear you so thin that you lose your balance and perspective. Regular time for stillness is as important and necessary as sleep, exercise, and nutritional food." - Emilie Barnes

Love it, and am thankful that I am one of those that really does nurture stillness in my life.  I don't overdo things, I don't have my children in a gazillion extra-curricular activities, we don't have a full busy crazy schedule.

It's helped us be who we are and kept us in the moment, as a family.

Everyone does things differently, every family is different, and I would never presume to know what others do or if it's good or bad for them, I can only speak for us :)

But I can tell you that stillness IS important, extremely important for your well being and for your soul.

As I sit here typing, I hear movement in the bedrooms, seems that the house is about to come awake with a flurry of little feet down the hallway, my husband behind them with the pugs in tow, and so from one minute to the next it will go from dead quiet to agitated voices, and laughs and dogs barking and playing.  I love it, because as much as I enjoy the silence and being able to hear myself think, nothing beats the noise of my family around me.

Source:  Grim's House Tumblr

So, what is on my agenda for today?

I realize I said earlier it's a day of doing nothing, but, for me nothing really means not doing major housework and taking it easy and relaxing as much as possible.

Thing is, for me relaxing means crafting and I have a few things I want to get done today, a butterfly shadow box, a granny square bag and some patchwork placemats.

Will I get them all done, will I even succeed in finishing one?  Who knows, but that's what is on the to do list.

Before I leave you, I wanted to show you a few other items I picked up for dirt cheap at the Goodwill yesterday.


I love ships and these are beautiful.  The top one is the Constitution 1814.  It's in almost new condition. 


This one is a Vintage Whaling Clipper 1846, also in almost new condition.


They both sit atop my shelf in the living room and are stunning to look at.


This basket caught my eye.  I love old maps.  It now sits on my armoire and will hold some of my old books.


The plate above was $0.99 but seeing that it was 50% off, you can tell what a good deal it was.  Especially, since it's a Johnson Brothers Tally Ho depicting a hunting scene.


Love finding pieces like these :)

And lastly, something I've been needing for a while and was so excited to find, for a mere $0.50.  This lovely sewing basket.



Good finds all around :)

Now my loves are up, and I have to shift to mommy mode and get some breakfast going.

Have a wonderful Sunday, rest up, relax, and for those that enjoy sports have a great Superbowl.....for those like me who don't like it at all, there are some fun marathons on the TV like Anne of Green Gables on INSP.

YES! I think I'll watch that one :)


  1. Beautiful post Sandra, thank you. I sometimes feel guilty that we don't have more activities in our life, but you have just reminded me of why we dont. I feel better knowing we are not the only ones living this way! The stillness is so important for our family too and sometimes I forget that. Thank you for your inspiring and full of helpful, fun, yummy, gorgeous things! Have a wonderful Sunday :)

  2. Hmm I've been there 8-5 job job everyday, I use to come home feeling so nervous I didn't complete something and barely had time with my hubby.. I say now I wouldn't trade my hectic days at home for great day at the office, b/c in the end this is soo much better for me, my children and hubby. I have time to actually think and enjoy those around me. I love your ships! I lvoe ships as well and did my sons room in a nautical theme, scoured thrift store up on thrift store in my area and not one single thing. those are great finds indeed.

  3. Stunning thrift store finds!! I am such a thriftaholic, one never ever knows what one will find, every day is different. Goodness, who discards some of these lovely items?? But it's OK with me, because I love a 'cheap' find :-)

    Thanks for reminding of the Anne of Green Gables Marathon on INSP (one of my fave channels). Happy, Happy!! Hope they show Anne of Avonlea, too.

    Have a lovely Sunday, Sandra. The stillness quote is beautiful.

  4. Awesome finds Sandra! I love the ships, my husband is fascinated with tall ships, and we have toured quite a few. You'll put the sewing basket to good use.

  5. "Anne with an e". I love Anne of Green Gables...Your morning sounds wonderful, though I hope you're feeling better now.

  6. I agree about stillness. Today was busy for us. Church, lunch out with the in-laws and then a family dinner with my parents and my sisters family. A little busier then I like, but it was a good day.

    I have Anne's movies recording. It will be something great to watch when I am folding laundry or ironing while the littles nap.

    Have a great week!

  7. Aww, simple Sundays are the best!

  8. Wow, you find some really great things! I love the sewing basket colours!

  9. We don't overschedule the kids either. They do have activities when we can afford it but they usually are pretty low key like scouts.

    Love your thrift finds!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
