
Sunday, February 10, 2013


Early morning started with the whole family heading to the track.  The kids rode their bikes, while hubby and I ran 7 laps, and I even sprinted a whole one.

Let me tell you something, I have not sprinted anywhere or for anything, since I was a teenager, I honestly thought I had no sprint left in me, but boy did I surprise myself AND my husband.

His expression was quite funny.  LOL

After track, we came home, took our showers, had some sloppy joes and headed out the door for a few errands which included Walmart and Sprouts.

Oh I love Sprouts, I could walk around in there for hours, so much to see, so much good wholesome food to purchase.

At Walmart I also picked up some Daffodils


some Orange Tulips


and this mixed Tulip pot


So this weekend has been a very quiet, laid back one, we ran errands, but we have also stayed close to home and enjoyed some Terra Nova, Ancient Aliens and American Horror Story on TV.

There was some snacking


and also some tummy filling comforting food


We're all looking forward to The Walking Dead return tonight, but for now, there's a lot of lounging on the couches, books being read, quiet chatter and sleeping pugs.

The perfect end to a quiet weekend, for tomorrow it's back to the grind and back to another busy week of school and work.


  1. Go you!! The only running I do is to try and catch the grands,I don't always win :( Your dinner looks so yummy!

  2. I.Am.So.Impressed.By.Your.Running.
    I want me some of that pasta bake! Yum!

  3. I am impressed by your running too! xx LOL

    And I LOVE tulips. I must get myself a bunch. :)


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