
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Busy Week!

I have been so extremely busy the past few days, I haven't really had a chance to sit down and recharge and I'm facing a week of pretty much the same thing.

Starting this morning we have State testing, and usually it's not too bad, but the problem this year is that unlike previous years where they had the kids go in at the same time, this year they test at different times.

Nic is testing from 9am to Noon and then Jasmine tests from 1pm to 4pm.  Needless to say, the testing location is not close by and we can't drive back and forth, so we'll be stuck there all day long.

If you know me, you'll know that I don't like being stuck somewhere doing nothing, I have to be doing, moving, fixing. 

So, I'm taking my crochet, I'm taking my Kindle, I'm taking some of the kid's schoolwork so we can get things done while we wait.

Anyway, I have quite a bit I need to finish off here in the house before leaving, I'm getting dinner started so I just have to finish it up when I get home later.

Have a wonderful day :)


  1. I hope your kids do well! Good luck with sitting all day. I agree it's not the funnest thing. I don't have a Kindle, but a book is my constant companion!

  2. Good luck! I too, really really hate having to "kill" time somewhere. The last time I did, I packed up stuff to keep me busy, and then forgot that bag.(of stuff)...ha..

  3. Good luck with all the testing!

  4. I with you about sitting and doing nothing!!

  5. I'm sure the kids will do great! Try and enjoy your "downtime"! :)

  6. I would have to add a bag of snacks to that list! Ha Good luck with the testing

  7. Good luck on state testing for your kids. We have state testing next week for my daughter and it's far this year. Connections must have had trouble getting testing sites this year. I'll be stuck in the car next week.


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