
Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/22/2013

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good morning everyone :)

Oh it feels so good to be back to our normal routine.  Testing is all done, and now we are basically on the home stretch to finishing out this school year.

Had a very quiet, relaxed weekend, and I can't tell you how much I needed it, I feel better this morning and am well on my way to being over this allergy bout. 

The weather.....

Last week's winds were just horrible, so I'm hoping this week it's much better.  Looks like we're already in the 90's and staying there. 

Right now I am....
Drinking my cup of coffee and smiling at the prospect of a day of homemaking, without interruptions :)

About so many things, what I need to do, what I want to do, how sad I am for so many people, how I wish I could help everyone in need.  My mind is a jumble of things right now.

On my reading pile....
So, I still have the same two books that I hadn't finished, but I put those aside because I was lucky enough to get my hands on 100 plus Jane Austen sequels for my Kindle.  Oh that made me so very happy because I'm such a huge fan of Jane Austen.
My reading list has been adjusted, and I just started "Jane Austen ruined my life".
Next up is book #2 called "Mr Darcy Broke my Heart", followed by book #3 "The Dashwood Sisters Tell All". 

On my TV.....
Helicopter Rescue
The Great British Sewing Bee
The Village
A few documentaries on the Tudors

Haunted Collector
Deep South Paranormal
The Dead Files
Da Vinci Demons

Blog hopping (newly discovered blog)....
Unfortunately, no blog reading last week, at all.  I'm so far behind and I'm hoping to catch up starting today.

On the menu for this week....

Monday 22nd
Cereal, milk, coffee
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Carrot and Celery Sticks
Smothered Pork Chops with Mashed Potatoes
Tuesday 23rd

Breakfast: Cinnamon Toast, Juice
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Mac and Cheese
Dinner: Chicken Ring with Salad

Wednesday 24th
Breakfast: Pancakes, Coffee, Juice
Lunch: Clam Chowder with Saltine Crackers, Fruit
Dinner: Bifes de Cebolada (Portuguese Pepper Steak)

Thursday 25th

Breakfast: Oatmeal, milk
Lunch: Cheese Quesadilla, Yogurt
Dinner: Jasmine's Birthday (out to eat)

Friday 26th

Breakfast: Banana Nut Muffins, Milk
Lunch: Tuna Salad
Dinner: Tortellini Alfredo

Saturday 27th
Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Toast
Lunch: Roast Beef Sandwiches, Chips
Dinner: Homemade Pizza

Sunday 28th
Breakfast: Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Coffee, Milk
Lunch: Ham and Cheese Sliders
Dinner: Dad's favorite chicken with rice

On my to do list....
Zumba (missed it all last week for testing, SO glad to get back to it)
Sewing for Jasmine's Birthday
Make the Modeling Chocolate for the Tardis Cake

In the craft basket....
Red, white and blue quilt
Crochet Ripply Blanket
Crochet Flower Pot Holder
Minecraft Ghast for Jasmine 

Looking forward to this week....
Jasmine turning 14 years old on Thursday :)

Looking around the house....
Jasmine is still asleep, you know how it goes with teens, they can sleep all day long. Nicholas is up and on his computer playing a game.  Hubby is at work and both pugs are asleep on the couch next to me.
I have dishes in the sink that need to be moved to the washer, some Xbox games in the living room that need to be put away.

From the camera....
April 20

On my prayer list.....
This beautiful country that I call my home.  For all those suffering, the victim's families of the tragedies that happened last week, for the police, the military, the firefighters, the EMT's and the hospital staff that have worked so hard to pick up the pieces in the aftermath.
I pray that the Lord continue to watch over us all.

Bible verse, Devotional....


  1. Hello, this is my first time at your link-up and I am so excited! :) Your blog is lovely, I am glad I found you. Have a great week.

  2. I am so happy to be back and catching up on your blog! Glad things have calmed down for you and you are able to enjoy your day.

  3. Glad you and your kids got through testing alright! The weather here in Illinois is just now starting to heat up. We're supposed to get a high of 60 today. Hehe. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing, and purposeful day today :)

  4. Sounds like a busy week. I can't believe Jasmine will be 14 - wow time flies. Happy Birthday Jasmine! :)

  5. I'm so jealous of your weather. My poor container plants are dying from the cold-- everyone told me it would be warm enough for them by now! Hope your gardening is going better than mine. Have a good week!

  6. Happy Monday Sandra!

    I hope Jasmine has a happy birthday.

  7. Your ripple blanket you are working on, is beautiful!

    Happy Birthday Jasmine! 14? Wow! Time is flying by. I remember when I started following you, she was still a little girl and now a beautiful grown woman.

    Happy Monday. Have a wonderful week!

  8. Hope you have enjoyed a Happy Monday so far!! :)

  9. Happy Earth Day Sandra......Jasmine's Bday is the same as my Sister's.....enjoy, Francine.

  10. So glad that the testing is behind you all.

    You sure had a bout with your allergies..The wind does make it worse I have found, not much one can do about that.

    Have a lovely evening. xo

  11. Yeah for testing being completed! Wishing you could share some of that sunshine and warmth with us! Hoping to get my garden June? :) Have a great week!!!

  12. so glad you are feeling better, allergies and cold sores are no fun!

  13. I love British TV and am wondering how you get yours? Streaming? Netflix or Hulu? I would love a new British show!

  14. What a great post idea, I'm going to have to join this next week! Just found your blog, and I love it.


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