
Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/29/2013

Happy Homemaker Monday

Well that was a fast weekend, wasn't it????  Blink of an eye and it's Saturday morning, then blink of an eye and it's Monday morning.  Goodness!!!

Alrighty, so another week ahead, hope it's a good one for you all :)

The weather.....
We are officially in the triple digits, and I wish I could say it's just temporary but last week saw triple digits, this week again and knowing Arizona well, it will continue all year long.  Oh boy....not sure I'm ready for this heat.

Right now I am....
Enjoying my coffee, writing this post, watching my husband get ready for work.  

About all the housework I plan on doing today, about the menu plan I need to come up with and a bunch of other things......creative wise, projects and ideas swirling around in my mind. 

On my reading pile....

Still reading "Jane Austen ruined my life".  I am loving this book and can't wait to read the next two in the series.

On my TV.....
The list may look like a lot, but it doesn't mean that I'm watching them ALL the same day. I do get a lot of my viewing done when I'm working, either ironing or folding laundry, or working on the menu plan etc. But this is just a list of what I'm currently enjoying on TV.

The Village
Helicopter Rescue
Food Glorious Food

Haunted Collector
Deep South Paranormal
The Dead Files
Da Vinci Demons

Blog hopping (newly discovered blog)....
Tilly and the Buttons - Tilly was one of the contestants on The Great British Sewing Bee, and I just loved her style.  She has a blog and I'm so glad I found it last week, I've been enjoying reading it and seeing what she's up to.

On the menu for this week....
Only have today and tomorrow's meals up. Have to work on the new menu plan this afternoon :)

Monday 29th
Bacon, Toast, Coffee and Juice
Grilled Cheese and Pepperoni Sandwiches, Veggie Tray
Dad's Favorite Chicken, Basmati Rice
Tuesday 30th

Breakfast: Cereal, Milk
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup
Dinner: Portuguese Pork Chops and Potatoes

On my to do list....
Change Bed Linens
Vacuum, Mop
Menu plan and Grocery List

In the craft basket....
Red, white and blue quilt
Crochet Ripply Blanket

Looking forward to this week....
Not one thing in particular, just hoping for a good week for us all :)   Wednesday morning we have dentist appointments.

Looking around the house....
Both kids are still fast asleep.  Hubby is off at work.  I have the pug girls fast asleep on the couch, and the only sounds emanating through the house are their snoring and the water in the fish tank.
Need to clear out the kitchen table because as usual, during the weekend, it becomes a catch all for everyone's things.  House isn't in too much of a disarray so it will be a quick pick up :)

From the camera....


On my prayer list.....
My husband, as he waits to hear if he made the next stripe.  Us as a family, as we wait to find out where we're going next, it's hard not knowing which way to turn and we're now at the point where we can't make any plans of any kind until we know what is going on.  I pray for patience for us, and I pray that the Lord continues to bless us with the feeling of calmness in knowing that He is in control and He is already waiting wherever our lives may be headed next.

Bible verse, Devotional....

Be Still Scripture | Wall Decals


  1. I love your picture of the clothes pin and clothes line. I want one so bad. I'm really thinking about putting one in our back yard this summer.

    I'm praying for you and your family. :) I pray that God put his hand on your shoulders to help you relax and let him work it all out for you. I also pray that when you do get your news, whichever way it goes, you get the peace and happiness from it that you deserve. Either way it goes, I also want to thank you and your family for all that you have done for our country.

  2. Happy Monday, Sandra! Thanks for sharing a peek into your day - always look forward to it! CAn't wait to see the crochet you are working on - sounds lovely!

  3. Happy Monday Sandra.

    That is some lovely weather you are enjoying!

    Hope you receive the news you are wanting.

    On a side note, it is against my city's bylaws to have a clothes line. I use clothes hangers and hang them up in my laundry/mud room. I would love to have one in my garden.

  4. Waiting for decisions from the military is so nerve-wracking. Even now that my husband is officially a civilian, we still have to wait for decisions from the VA. It never ends! I hope you bear the wait successfully, although prayer does help during the particularly difficult moments. Also, I love your new blog header!

  5. I love that scripture and say it often.
    I will remember you and your family in my is hard not knowing what will come next, but you have the right attitude about the Lord already being there...It's all about the faith in the end, isn't it?
    Stay cool. xo

  6. Pretty quilt and I love the clothes pins! :)

    I pray you have a good week!

  7. We are always praying for you all! A word of careful about praying for patience. I'll be praying or grace as you wait on His will be done.

  8. We're hitting the hot weather too up here in Nevada. Somewhat due to your pool post (sorry you can't put it up), we got one and set it up this weekend. Looking forward to using it to cool off in the coming scorching heat.

  9. Zumba is so fun, and it really helps burn calories. I don't get to do it as much as I'd like though.

    Indiana gets really hot temps in July and August, but nothing compared to what your dealing with now. It's abnormal for us to be in the triple digits so after seeing your post I feel bad for even griping about our summers. haha

    Prayers with you and your whole family. Being stuck in limbo is no fun, but God is there holding your hand all the way through this. And whatever the outcome I'm sure it will all work out. Good luck to you all! :)

  10. I'm so glad to be linking up again today! Your quilt looks great I so want to have a go myself, it's just finding the time!

    I didn't know Tilly had a blog can't wait to check it out! I am glad Anne won though - she reminded me of my grandmother :) I so want my mum to go forward for next series but I can't convince her lol! She is a brilliant seamstress :)

    Have a lovely week! xxx

  11. 102??!!!! We are expecting spring snow tonight and are sitting close to 32*F. Nothing like a peaceful house in the morning!

  12. I kinda want to bring a big batch of popcorn over to your house and watch tv with you! You have a great list of intriguing shows I've never even heard of! :)
    Hope you have a great week!


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