
Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday - 06/10/2013

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good morning everyone, sure hope you had a lovely weekend and that your week ahead is a good one too :)

I'm still here, plugging along and taking life one day at a time. Can you believe that in just two weeks and a 4 days we will be on our way back to Idaho??? I am so excited :)

Anyway, on to today's Happy Homemaker Monday!

The weather.....One word....YUCK!   We've been in the triple digits and not just the triple digits, but the higher triple digits, 111's and so forth.  I am so ready to get out, especially when I start looking at the weather back in Idaho and they have 90 degrees, which by the way, they call a scorcher of a day LOL

Right now I am....Sitting at my dinner table, typing up this post, drinking my coffee and listening to whatever video Nicholas is watching on his laptop. 
Thinking....That the Lord has been using these past few weeks to teach me some very huge lessons and that I'm finally getting to where I'm supposed to be.  It's been so hard but I've held tight and have forced myself to move from my comfort zone to the scary zone of the unknown.  It's a work in progress. 
On my reading pile....I have no fiction books, my days have been filled with Devotionals.  The ones I'm currently reading are:

A Place of Security
Hope:  A Courageous Journey of Faith
Seek the Lord and Find Him
Face to Faith
Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

On my TV.....Hulu and some other online sites have become my favorite friends.  I've been able to catch up on some shows, watch the new ones as they are posted online, and even find some older ones that I never got to watch. 
What I found while surfing the net....Been planning our trip back home, so I'm using  If you've never used it, you may want to check it out, you can plan your road trip to include accommodations along the way, attractions, history, nature, shopping etc. 
On the menu for this week....Still very easy meals, I have to make the menu plan for the next two weeks and it's going to consist of pretty much eating everything that is left in the fridges/freezers before the move. 

Monday - Fish Sticks, Garlic Potatoes, Salad
Tuesday - Chicago Style Dogs, Chips
Wednesday - Smothered Pork Chops, Rice
Thursday - Cheesy Kielbasa Bake (makes two big pans, one will freeze for the week of the move)
Friday - Crazy Pizza Bread
Saturday - Portuguese Pork Chops,  and Potatoes
Sunday -Steaks, Fries, Salad

On my to do list....
Contact local post office in Idaho for General Delivery options for mail
Finish packing the boxes that we are moving ourselves
In the craft basket....I couldn't take it anymore, so yesterday afternoon we had to run by Walmart and I picked up a pound of white yarn so I could continue with two of my blankies.  I made one more granny square for my Green Granny Square Blanket and even though it was only one block, I can't tell you how much it relaxed me.  Love my crochet :)

Looking forward to this week....Watching God work in our lives and in this housing situation.  I am always amazed at the things He does and I have no doubt in my mind that He's doing great things with our move.

Looking around the house....Boxes, craziness, more boxes and a little more craziness.  It's this limbo that makes me stress.  I don't like living in a home that doesn't feel like home, if you know what I mean.

From the camera....


On my prayer list.....Myself and my husband, to continue to trust in the Lord and to continue to leave things in His capable hands.  Worry, stress, all they do is steal joy and instead of enjoying the last few weeks we have in this home and town, we have been too busy being unhappy.  So I'm praying constantly for the Lord to work in our hearts to change that.

Bible verse, Devotional....
Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed.


  1. I love how you always get to that 'Faith' place...every time. It is heartwarming to see how you put your trust completely in His hands.

    My prayers are with you all and I look forward to seeing what the Lord has planned for you, His faithful servant. xo

  2. Olá Sandra estive ausente dos blogs, tem alturas em que sinto necessidade de parar e afastar-me um pouco e foi o que aconteceu.
    Nestes dias tive uma certa saudade e agora que voltei vou aos poucos ler os posts em atraso e visitar aqueles que gosto como a ti.
    Hoje comemoramos. Dia de Portugal nao sei se estando longe neste dia sentes mais saudades ou nao?
    O tempo tem estado estranhamente frio, temperaturas de 17 graus, parece mais Outubro que Junho.

  3. Good luck with the packing! I hate having everything that makes a home "home" put away. This is the time that tests our faith the most, I think.

  4. As always, reading your blogs makes me smile, especially if I've had a rough day. A long appointment at the doctors, and news I have to go for tests (3 hours worth) on Wednesday. I appreciate how you keep things in perspective... always enjoy how you set your priorities, with the Lord and family at the top.

    I'm inspired to pick up some yarn and a few crochet hooks this Thursday and attempt to learn how to make granny squares, so I can make a few projects I've longed to for ages, but gave up because I've never been able to get the correct tension in my crochet stitches. Anyone have any tips, or links to sites that are akin to "granny squares for dummies"? I think having something like this to do will keep me busy, and my focus on something constructive.

  5. praying for you all sandra..
    thats a pretty house..

  6. I am starting a new journey in life as well.....not literally leaving, but my roommate just gave me 30 days notice. She actually plans to be moved out by next week.

    Normally, I would be the biggest freak out stressed out person because I need a roommate to pay my space rent.....however over the last 10 months, and particularly over the last 2 weeks, this person has literally raised my blood pressure (30 points over the last two weeks) because she is such a drama queen. So I am happy she is leaving even though I'm worrying about money.

    One nice thing about her actually being gone before the 30 days is up is that I can get the place re-rented much faster. Also motivating me to clean, and thanking my lucky stars that she kept her bathroom/bedroom clean so that all I'm going to have to do is dust, vacuum, and mop a few floors to get the place ready to show.

  7. Happy Monday Sandra. Enjoy the rest of your time in your home and my thoughts are with you on your long journey.

  8. I do so enjoy reading your posts/blog. Have a safe trip home! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Exciting times ahead and busy times now!
    I know how you feel about living in a boxed up home - so unsettling, and heartbreaking for the happy times you've had there, mixed with impatience to just get on with it, get moved, and be settled the other end unpacking them.
    Wishing you every best wish for a smooth move.
    Gill xx


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
