
Thursday, June 06, 2013

Prayers please!!!!

After my post yesterday, we were thrown a HUGE wrench which left us completely stressed out.

I don't want to go into details, but I am asking you all for prayers sent our way, please, we really need them right now.

God Bless!


  1. Praying for you guys. I hope it all works out and isn't anything TERRIBLY wrong!

  2. hope everything will be ok..praying for you all..

  3. Sending prayers for you my friend....hope all is ok....Blessings Francine.

  4. Prayers and hugs for your family. Remember God is walking right beside you, he will see you through

  5. Dear God ~ Be with Sandra and her family right now with this situation that has them stressed. Let them know that You are with them, and that all things will work out for good, no matter what the outcome of this situation.

    May they feel your love, peace and strength flowing through and surrounding them at this time.

    In your precious and holy name Jesus I pray.


  6. Prayers being said right now and I will continue..Big hugs.

  7. Wow, I've missed a lot on your blog. You are moving, I'm sure that is both exciting and scary for you. I will say a prayer for you all and hope whatever it is all will be fine.

  8. The Lord works in mysterious ways...will be praying for your family Sandra.

  9. Oh my goodness, sorry to hear that. I will pray,lots of love to you and the family!

  10. Hugs and prayers, Sandra. Everything will work out somehow. I didn't see your previous post until today, but living in a hotel for a month is doable, especially for a close family as yours. My husband and I did it for a little over a month when we PCS'd from Hawaii to Northern VA and our things didn't come for over two months. The hotel had a microwave, fridge and stovetop but if I did anything more than salute on the stove (eg sear a steak or chicken breast, the room got smokey). Thus, I embraced meal components found in the market like cooked chicken strips. We ate a lot of salads, sandwiches, chili, and tv dinners (which are slightly better than eating out bc they're portion controlled and low fat, though high in sodium) . Best of luck!

  11. Asking God to keep you all in His hands as He guides you through the path ahead. In Jesus name, amen. Will continue to pray for you all. Renee

  12. I pray that everything will be okay.

  13. Saying a prayer right now, Sandra!


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