
Thursday, July 18, 2013

A day of puttering....

I had missed these days so very much.  Who knew that housework could invoke such feelings in a person?

Well for me it does, and today was my very first day of *normal* homemaking in what seems like forever.


Which began with a good sweep of the floors and then a good cleaning, without a mop.  I got on my hands and knees and using my hot water, vinegar and essential oil mixture, gave it a good scrub.

While I was on the ground doing this I thought back to the time where this is how all women washed their floors.  It's hard work but I think it makes a huge difference.

Now I'm not saying that I'll forego a mop completely, but at least once a week I'll be giving these floors a good ol hand scrubbing.


Had to prop the outside door open while I swept and what is better than a cute owl door stop????

Does the job, plus makes you smile when you look at it.


I think one of the things I most enjoy about this house is the light.  There's so much of it, which is something sorely lacking in the previous house where everything seemed so dark, trying to get pictures was frustrating.


I stopped around noon to fix some sandwiches for our lunch.  I do enjoy a simple sandwich with some chips on the side.


The house is pretty much complete.  There are a few things that I still need to put away as you can see by the flower stand with the lamp on it, that lamp doesn't belong there....neither does the plastic bag on the other side of the bookshelf.  Have to get rid of those tomorrow.


Got all the bed linens washed, hung out to dry on the clothesline and the beds remade.

Laundry is all washed and folded, just has to be put away in the morning and then I stopped for a quick snack.  Another bite of the yummy No Bake Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake Trifles I shared with you this morning in my Cooking Thursday.


Got a load of dishes washed....turned the sprinkler on out front and also planted a few flowers.


Have to show you this picture I took last night.  Jasmine has been begging me to cut her hair and I've been holding off because it was so nice and long, it was down to the middle of her back.

But, truth be told, she's 14 years old and has no patience to take care of curly hair, which if you have it you know it takes quite a bit of upkeep.

On Tuesday while we were on base, I finally caved and let her chop it off.  Broke my heart at first but now I just love it, I think it suits her and it makes her look so grown up.  Wish she would slow down :)

So yes, a full day of homemaking which has brought me such joy.

Ended the day with a wonderful homemade dinner, comfort food at it's best.


I'm about to sit down for the night and watch a movie with the family.  Think I'll grab my crochet though my wrist is hurting a bit tonight, not sure if it's from all the unpacking, carrying boxes, or the floor washing or what it was....maybe it's the crochet since I just got back to it and have been going full speed.

Well, we'll see. 

God Bless,


  1. What a wonderful day! I love those kinds of days, there's such satisfaction at the end of them.

  2. I just washed my wood floors with vinegar and essential oil for the first time and LOVED the results! What type of floor cleaner do you use for tile? We have awful peel and stick tile in our kitchen and I can't seem to settle on how to clean. I've used both hot water and dish soap and water and washing soda. I don't care for the dish soap, don't feel like it works well... but i feel like the washing soda leaves it blah looking. thoughts?

  3. Jasmine's hair is gorgeous! She does look so grown up now :) so very happy that you have settled in so nicely in your new home!
    Have a blessed day,

  4. What a lovely day! Jasmine sure is growing up fast. I loved her hair long, but I am partial to long hair, mine is to the middle of my back. She looks older with her hair short. She's a lovely young lady.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

  5. My hubby thinks I'm the only one who does their floors by hand! LOL

    Your house looks lovely and Jasmine's hair looks fantastic.


  6. I love J's haircut! She looks so grown up.

    A hand scrub is just what my bathroom floor needs. I will have to put that on the list for next week. I enjoy spic and span floors. :)

  7. Sandra - I am seriously impressed with all that you have done! And I love you daughter's hair! It looks gorgeous (and she looks older!)

  8. Sandra, you have a beautiful home and I also wanted to say that your daughter is growing into a gorgeous young lady! Your meatloaf looks amazing too! have a wonderful Friday and weekend. <3

  9. I am fairly new to your blog and have enjoyed reading your posts. I find puttering days to be among my favorites. I think they provide a great sense of satisfaction and contentment.
    Also wanted to say how beautiful your daughter's hair is. What a gorgeous color!

  10. I am amazed and how quickly you have unpacked and have everything in order in your new home! Good for you. Takes us a lot longer when we move, it seems. I love your floors and that meatloaf looks oh so yummy. Cute, cute hairstyle for your daughter! Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Wow, Jasmine looks a lot like you except with red hair! I had to look twice. At that age my daughter preferred shoulder length hair too. So much easier to deal with.

  12. love how the house is, so nice sandra...
    have a lovely weekend..

  13. Love Love Love Jasmine's hair and her teal mascara. what a great new look for her. :)


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