
Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/22/2013

Good morning ladies, sure hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did mine :)

Woke up early this morning to the sound of cows and chickens.  I tell you this country life just never gets old and I could never imagine myself in a concrete jungle, ever again.

On to this morning's Happy Homemaker Monday :)

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather.....Loving this summer, it's hot but it's nothing like Arizona heat.  Have a great week coming up, mostly in the 90's. 

Right now I am....Drinking my morning coffee flavored with Vanilla Creamer, writing up this post and listening to the swish swish of my KitchenAid while it churns fresh butter. 

Thinking....About my brother and sister in law and niece and nephew, they are currently on their first flight across the ocean to the USA.  Can't wait to see them tomorrow. 

On my reading pile....Nothing at the moment, returning my books to the library this morning and have a few on hold to grab.  All about homesteading, chickens, Amish and cooking...MY kind of reading :)

On my TV.....My Portuguese soaps and a few British shows I want to catch up on.

What I found while surfing the net....San Francisco Herb Company, a great website to purchase bulk herbs and spices, and pretty inexpensive too. 

On the menu for this week....Starting this week I'll be back cooking for a big family, it's been at least 15 years since I've done it and I have to tell you that I'm a little nervous LOL  But I think cooking to me is like riding a bike, so I'm sure I'll get right in there and not flinch. 

Monday - Fish Fillets in a Cilantro Sauce, Butter Rice
Tuesday -  Seafood Sub Sandwiches
Wednesday - Taking the family out to dinner
Thursday - Mexican Bow Tie Pasta, Garlic Bread and Salad
Friday - Grilled Thighs & Drumsticks, Potato Salad, Speedy Brownies
Saturday - Italian Beef Sandwiches
Sunday - Homemade Cheesy Garlic Pizza

On my to do list.... excited it's something I don't get to do often *roll my eyes*
Finish the Guest Bedroom
Get Dressers in the bedrooms
Make Sour Cream Pound Cake for the Pastor's visit this evening
Library run

In the craft basket....Dishcloths, that's all I'm doing...just dishcloths.  Have these adorable Wiggly ones which will be up for sale soon.  

Looking forward to this week....Seeing my family and getting them settled in.  Eating yummy food, drinking a glass of wine, chatting, catching up, pool time, barbecuing etc. 

Looking around the house....The sun is coming in through all the windows and it's just beautiful in here.  I have all the windows wide open to let in the fresh air and all I hear from outside are cows mooing and chickens off in the distance.  Need to sweep and mop, but other than that the house is clean :)

From the camera....


On my prayer list.....
Brother and family for a safe flight.
Friends and family needing prayer right now. 

Bible verse, Devotional....
I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
—John 17:23


  1. All your dishcloth making has inspired me and now I'm on a mission it would seem to replace all our sponges and paper towels with hand crafted reusable cloths of some kind! I would like to say it's the eco friendliness but really it's the frugalista in me LOL!

    I don't know how you stand the heat, the UK is in the middle of a 'heatwave' and we're only just touching 90F in some places and just 80F feels too hot!

    Have a lovely week and enjoy your family :)

  2. So, I already told you this...but again I say--I am SO stinking jealous of you! ;) If I ever get back to America, you better believe I'm coming to visit you. I MUST meet you this side of heaven, sweet friend! And those dish cloths--TOO cute! <3

  3. I love vanilla flavored coffee, although I have been drinking mine over ice these past few weeks of heat. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your family.

  4. I am really looking forward to buying some of your dishcloths, they are so beautiful and would do a lot to brighten up my kitchen! Enjoy your family this week!

  5. Those dishcloths are beautiful!
    Prayers for your brother and family to arrive safely and much happiness that you will get to be together again. :)
    So glad to hear you love your new home. It sounds heavenly!
    Glad to be back to HHM :)

  6. Have a great week with your family! And thank you for the Herb link - love their prices!

  7. Glad you posted the menu, my first question was going to be what you'll be serving your family when they arrive.:)

    So, will you be selling your dishcloths at the farmer's market, Sandra? Looking at the photo, I could imagine you putting some really neat homemade label on them. With a nice verse, or something creative. You really have a way with words.

  8. I am so jealous too! I live in Phoenix where you were and am sick of the concrete jungle! I would so give this up for the country if I could. I am a country town girl at heart so I am enjoying your happiness. Enjoy!

  9. I love the dish clothes. Sounds like you are really enjoy Idaho! Have a great week.

  10. I have the pattern for making the squiggly dish cloths but haven't made one yet! I have been loving reading about your country living! I have enjoyed country living for 34 years now:) Visiting the city is fun but coming home is bliss:)

  11. I love those dishcloths. They are gorgeous.

    Praying for your brother and his family as they come to America. I'm so excited for all that means for you.

    Have a wonderful week!

  12. BEautiful!
    What did you mean about now cooking for a large family. What have I missed?


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